we did it…

…only twice but it was great.

I don’t want to give the show away and post too many photos…(by Pekka Mäkinen)

Some audience members were crying, hugging me real tight, saying very beautiful words. Some were very distant. That’s ok, too.

Today has been very slow for me. I’m down with a flu and don’t feel that good. But I’m performing tomorrow and on Saturday so I’m trying to gather my energy.

Somehow strange days, strange thoughts. Feeling the vulnerability of a live show. Donating my body.

Candles, fires, warmth, closeness. How wonderful to spend a day at home. Do some laundry, dishes, cook food, sit by the fire, set up Christmas lights, listen to the kids arguing. Thought about my sister, too.

Yes, death. Yes, time passing.


2 thoughts on “we did it…

  1. maria kerin

    Hi- im actually trying to contact Sonja to see if she is interested in writing an article for the new dance section of divedivedive.org that i am curating.I met Sonja in Daghdha and at abunDance, Sweden and admire her work. I am looking for interesting articles and videos about contemporary dance but written for a general public and not just autobiographical musings. please could you forward my contact details to Sonja. I live in Ireland but am in Estonia for a few months with an exhibition and performance in Tallinn 16-20 March.
    Enjoyed looking at your shop windows- keep up the good work! Perhaps you would be interested in writing something interesting for the magazine too? all the best, maria kerin

    1. Johanna Post author

      Nice to hear from you Maria! I will forward your comment and contacts to Sonja. We are just at the moment working on Twirling World which we’ll perform four times in March here in Kuopio. You are most welcome to the shows!

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