My knee

Some of you might remember that I had a knee surgery about a year ago. According to all standards, the knee has recovered amazingly well from the ACL reconstruction but it hasn’t always felt that way. I had my first performances last year in June, just 4 months after the surgery. Thinking back of them now, I’m pretty amazed I could pull them thru. Just under a month ago I performed Acts of Clothing is Oulu, and for the first time after the surgery, I felt that maybe my knee will recover in the end to the point where I can actually forget about the injury and just perform without any hesitation and fear. I was able to push much further in my shamanic dance and didn’t have to hold back in the disco either. And also lately in other trainings like Kinesis, Functional training or Zumba, I’ve felt the knee really getting much much better which feels fantastic. Of course, I knew that the recovery process takes approximately two years but it’s easier to read that from a book than live thru it and accept it. But right now I feel optimistic and hope that I can do some more running next summer.

My knee right after the surgery:

Two weeks after the surgery:

Last summer, about 5 months after the surgery:

My knee today, a year after the surgery:

Not bad, eh?!
