City of Women

It was great to visit the City of Women Festival in Ljubljana. Saw some interesting work, met great artists and friends and got to spend a few days in a new city. Diamanda Galas’s concert was fantastic, as well as Alejanda Herrera Silva’s performance. It was also amazing to learn about the work of Regina Jóse Galindo, Nahomi Ximenez, Via Negativa and Nataša Živković. And had great talks with Jennie Klein and the artistic director of the festival Mara Vujić. On the last day of the festival we also had a really good and efficient meeting with A Space for Live Art partners so I’m all happy about the trip.

Brought back Slovenian salt and chocolate. Walked a lot. Didn’t run with the painful knee.







Nahomi negotiating  if the policeman will accept a hug:


He didn’t so she hugged Mara instead:ljubl08_low.jpg

Artistic director Mara, Nahomi and Jennie:

The building where my flat was:

After returning home I’ve realized I have an enormous amount of work ahead of me. This and the upcoming week I’m performing BODY/HAIR, the week after it’s soft skin / harsh life and then it’s all about the ACTS OF CLOTHING. Really wanted to visit Performa but I really don’t think it’s possible in any way. Unfortunately.

Today I went for a run and rehearsed air acrobatics for BODY/HAIR. Feel really exhausted now.

I ordered new running shoes. Need to do something about the oddly painful knee I’ve never had before.

See you in the BODY/HAIR performances.
