Johanna’s latest work Twirling World will be performed on Friday the 16th of Dec in Melkweg, Amsterdam as part of the Nordic Gold Festival. Link to the festival here.
Author Archives: Johanna
Kuopiolaisen tanssitaiteilija Johanna Tuukkasen uusin teos Twirling World vierailee joulukuussa kulttuurikeskus Melkwegissä Amsterdamissa Nordic Gold -tapahtuman ohjelmistossa. Monitaiteellisen tapahtuman tarkoituksena on tuoda esiin mielenkiintoisia pohjoismaalaisia teoksia ja tekijöitä tanssin, musiikin, video- ja kuvataiteen aloilta. Tanssin alalta Suomesta tapahtumassa vierailevat myös mm. Karttunen Kollektiv & Vera Nevanlinna, Maija Hirvanen, Cecilia Moisio, Jaakko Toivonen ja Leena Keizer. Kuvataiteilija Essi Utriainen tuo Melkwegiin mediataideteoksia ja performansseja. Katariina Lillqvistin animaatioita voi nähdä koko festivaalin ajan. Myöhäisnäytöksenä esitetään Jalmari Helanderin elokuva Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale.
Twirling World on Johanna Tuukkasen viimeisin esitys, jossa hänen kanssaan nähdään tanssija-performanssitaiteilija Sonja Jokiniemi. Teoksen mieleenpainuvat hahmot Miss Privilege & Miss Million-Ways liikkuvat maastossa, joka muuttuu kutsuvasta kysyväksi ja vinksahtaneeksi. He asettavat itsensä asetelmallisiin kohtauksiin ja samalla kyseenalaistavat, rikkovat ja muuttavat niitä. Miss Privilege & Miss Million-Ways lahjoittavat merkityt kehonsa tapahtumiin, joissa he leikittelevät kimaltelevilla stereotypioilla, itsensä esineellistämisellä ja katsotuksi tulemisella. Teoksen ensi-ilta oli 30.11.2010 Kuopiossa.
Nordic Gold: Finland -tapahtuma 15.-17.12.2011. Twirling World 16.12.2011.
Lisätiedot: Itäinen tanssin aluekeskus, Eeva Suutari-Saatsi, 044 055 3009,,
Nordic Gold: Finland -festivaalin konsertit ovat osa FIMICin Benelux-maissa syksyllä 2011 tapahtuvaa Arctic Accents -tiedotuskampanjaa. Festivaalia ovat tukeneet Taiteen keskustoimikunta, Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus. Twirling Worldin vierailua ovat tukeneet Itäinen tanssin aluekeskus ja Kuopion kaupunki.[/lang_]
Johanna is working in London in December
Johanna is working on a new project in London with Rebecca French! If all goes well, the new work will be launched in June 2012.
Have you experienced a moment that changed your life?
*** Have you experienced a moment that changed your life? ***
*** Can you spare an hour to meet me and tell me your story? ***
I am an artist, researching city-centre Kuopio and the stories of people who live or work here, either now or in the past. I would like to meet up with you and hear about a life-changing conversation or moment that you experienced.
Please call me on 040 7429 091 to fix a time for us to meet, either at your home or I can take you for a local coffee.
Thanks in advance.
Johanna Tuukkanen
Oletko kokenut käänteentekevän hetken, joka on muuttanut elämäsi?
*** Oletko kokenut käänteentekevän hetken, joka on muuttanut elämäsi? ***
*** Onko sinulla aikaa tavata ja kertoa minulle tarinasi? ***
Olen taiteilija, joka tekee teosta Kuopion keskustasta ja Kuopiossa asuvien tai työskentelevien ihmisten tarinoista – nykyisistä tai menneistä. Haluaisin tavata sinut ja kuulla elämäsi muuttaneen käänteentekevän keskustelun tai hetken, jonka olet Kuopion keskustan alueella kokenut.
Soita minulle numeroon 040 742 9091 sopiaksesi tapaaminen joko omassa kodissasi tai voin viedä sinut kahville.
Kiitos etukäteen.
Johanna Tuukkanen
At ANTI we are concerned of your well-being, health and your sexual health. For those in long-term relationship, we sell the ANTIVERSARY book which highlights our history of 10 years with beautifully documented imagery. It is a great example of growth and development and a fabulous study book for those still waiting for the first anniversary. For the more adventurous, we still have a few PUBLIC SPACE MY ASS hand made t-shirts left. Please visit the ANTI SHOP to get what you want. And remember, our mission is love, wellbeing, health and sexual health!
Have a great time shopping!
happy Father’s Day!
With Justiina I baked today a chocolate blueberry cake and it was delicious! It didn’t look that amazing and I was surprised how different (and difficult!) it was to handle white chocolate compared to dark one. So it was a bit of a mess but anyway, happy Father’s Day!
Do you remember my chili plants? They grew very well and I’ve used the harvest already for a while. And this is what I’ve left to dry. Beautiful & very very hot!
Today I’ve been reading and writing an article but there’s much more to read and write. Tomorrow I’m off to Jyväskylä. And I’m performing Acts of Clothing on Saturday so need to rehearse, go through the clothes, the stories of my life… So it will be a busy week.
last few days…
I’ve been a bit up and down. My plans for this week changed completely because of an unexpected situation at work and I’m now behind my schedule in many ways. Well, I guess things were going too smoothly for a couple days – something just had to happen. Well, I won’t get into that more.
I went to Helsinki on Thursday for a meeting and also had a chance to visit Suvilahti where Esitystaiteen keskus has their new office and rehearsal space. I had a lovely talk with Annika Tudeer, Anna Krzystek and Timo Fredriksson from Oblivia. It was really great to see them and I miss them! Their new space is great and even the Kalasatama tube station welcomes you with posters of environmental art projects and the importance of arts for the area. How cool is that?
But I did get my new glasses today so I’m happy!
Glasses Kenzo. Dress Nanso Black Dress collection, model Can I call you dear?
Have to get some sleep now.
lots of work & fun
What a luxury to be at home for a few days. I’ve gone for runs, dentist, library, ice-skating with my daughter, Zumba, Pilates, seen friends, wrote comments for a MA thesis and have read some stuff. But not nearly enough! I have a huge pile of books that I need to read, articles and essays to write and performances to warm up and work on. I’m so fully booked until Christmas that I just hope I won’t catch a flue or anything. I’m very excited to travel to London to work with Rebecca French in the beginning of December. We’ll continue our collaboration which we started in June in Kuopio. And after that, I’ll be performing Twirling World with Sonja in Melkweg, in Amsterdam. They have a very exciting Finnish programme for a couple of days and I’m very happy and proud to be part of that.
More later!
Here’s a picture of my daughter ice-skating on Saturday in Leppävirta. She’s so gorgeous! Although the competition didn’t go very well for her –she was so nervous- she did much better than last time and I love her what ever she does!
ANTI at M2hz
If you weren’t at ANTI, here’s a documentary of the 2011 festival in two parts done by And if you were there, here’s your chance to refresh your memories and remember how great it was! And it was great. I miss it all so much.