Category Archives: Art

we did it…

…only twice but it was great.

I don’t want to give the show away and post too many photos…(by Pekka Mäkinen)

Some audience members were crying, hugging me real tight, saying very beautiful words. Some were very distant. That’s ok, too.

Today has been very slow for me. I’m down with a flu and don’t feel that good. But I’m performing tomorrow and on Saturday so I’m trying to gather my energy.

Somehow strange days, strange thoughts. Feeling the vulnerability of a live show. Donating my body.

Candles, fires, warmth, closeness. How wonderful to spend a day at home. Do some laundry, dishes, cook food, sit by the fire, set up Christmas lights, listen to the kids arguing. Thought about my sister, too.

Yes, death. Yes, time passing.



Johanna Tuukkaselta uusi teos Twirling World

Tanssitaiteilija Johanna Tuukkasen uusi teos Twirling World starring… Miss Privilege & Miss Million-Ways nähdään Sotkulla Kuopiossa 30.11. ja 1.12.2010. Tuukkasen kanssa teoksessa esiintyy tanssi- ja live art –taiteilija Sonja Jokiniemi.
Miss Privilege & Miss Million-Ways liikkuvat maastossa, joka muuttuu kutsuvasta kysyväksi ja vinksahtaneeksi. He asettavat itsensä asetelmallisiin kohtauksiin ja samalla kyseenalaistavat, rikkovat ja muuttavat niitä. Miss Privilege & Miss Million-Ways lahjoittavat merkityt kehonsa tapahtumiin, joissa he leikittelevät kimaltelevilla stereotypioilla, itsensä esineellistämisellä ja katsotuksi tulemisella.

Lippuvaraukset: / +358 (0)40 7429091

Huippusuosittu ACTS OF CLOTHING vierailee Yksin Sateessa? –festivaalilla Joensuussa 27.11.2010

Marraskuussa 2009 kantaesitetty ACTS OF CLOTHING perustuu brittiläisen Marcia Farquharin konseptiin. Esityksessä Johanna Tuukkanen on yksin catwalkilla koko elämän läpi ulottuvan vaatekomeronsa kanssa kertomassa tarinoita vaatekappaleiden johdattelemana. Hyvinkin paljastavat ja henkilökohtaiset tarinat avaavat kuvaa tämän päivän naisesta ja kertovat häikäilemättömän suorasukaisesti noloista väärinymmärryksistä, syrjinnästä, rakastumisesta, äitiydestä, irtisanomisista, onnistumisesta, taiteilijuudesta, perheestä, täyttymättömistä pyrkimyksistä ja irtiotoista. Arjen tragikoomisuus ja Tuukkasen itseironisuus ravistelevat catwalk-tradition puhumattomuutta.

Johanna mukana Tanssivassa Joulukalenterissa Kuopiossa

Itäisen tanssin aluekeskuksen tanssiva joulukalenteri on todellinen vaihtoehto joulun aineelliselle hössötykselle. Kalenterin luukku avautuu entisen elokuvateatteri Maximin ikkunassa joka päivä tarjoten liikelahjan, joka ei saastuta, ei jää nurkkiin pyörimään ja on aina sopivan kokoinen. Ja niin kuin hyvä lahja aina, Tanssivan joulukalenterin lahjat myös yllättävät. 
Joulukalenterin on ideoinut tänä vuonna freelance tanssitaiteilija ja koomikko Johanna Keinänen yhdessä tanssitaiteilija Anniina Aunolan ja Johanna Tuukkasen kanssa. Luukut avautuvat 1.-23.12. klo 16.30 ja aattona klo 11.00. Haapaniemenkatu 23:n ja Maljalahdenkadun kulmassa Kuopiossa. Johanna Tuukkanen esiintyy joulukalenterissa kahdeksan kertaa.

Juuri kolmivuotisen taiteilija-apurahan Taiteen keskustoimikunnalta saanut Johanna Tuukkanen tunnetaan erityisesti intiimeistä, esiintyjän ja katsojan vuorovaikutukselle perustuvista teoksistaan. Tuukkanen lähestyy teostensa teemoja usein itseironian kautta ja hän on kiinnostunut tuomaan esille ajan, paikan, fyysisyyden, hetkellisyyden ja arjen käsitteitä. Maija Hirvasen mukaan ”Arjen lisäksi Johannan töissä ovat 10 vuoden ajan näyttäytyneet leikkisästi erilaiset naismyytit ja sukupuoliset todellisuudet. Hän on diiva, äiti, olento, humoristinen luomu-bitch, Niskavuoren emäntä viettelevässä versiossa.”

Nähdään esityksissä!

on blogging

My friend Vilja stayed with us the other day and it turned out that she was having a conversation with someone about my blog. And more specifically, about my relationship to commodities. Vilja explained that trough my art, she had thought or interpreted that my relationship to commodities is more critical than it appears from my blog.

It’s really nice to hear something like that and I wish that she and people wondering about this blog would comment posts more actively. But Vilja hit a point in a way, as I’m struggling a lot at the moment with the blog. Those of you who blog, are all familiar with these problems, I’m sure, but for me there are so many concerns going on that I don’t really know what to write about. And as you know, I tweet, so I use Twitter for micro blogging, writing short tweets daily. And as I’ve wanted to keep this blog as a ‘life style blog’ as supposed to narrowing the theme into something like artist diary, a diary about the process of creating performances, or something specific like a fashion or a diet blog. So I write about my life as an artist and artistic director; about things that inspire me, what I’m busy with, what I’m working on or simply what is happening. So this could be anything.
And as a blogger, you have no control over your readers, and as I’m working somewhat publically, I’ve become acutely aware that there are certain things about my life that I don’t want for example the funders of my work to read. And this, strangely, has partly to do with my love and passion for design and some designers that inspire me and bring joy into my life.

But why is it, that design as a source of inspiration and joy, is often seen as more commercial and superficial than for example literature and music? We all know that creative industries are a big business and literature and music play definitely a huge part in that business.

So, a confession:
I love design. Some people, including Vilja, might think that I’m a brand junkie, but that is not true. I simply love good design where the genius of the designer manifests itself in a brilliant idea. So I don’t care so much about the brand or the designer, as long as the idea hits me, that’s enough. Of course there are some designers that I follow and who’s work I’m interested in, but unless they come up with something that turns me on, I’m just not going to buy their items just for the name sake. Their work has to inspire me intelligently, but of course it has to function well, appeal aesthetically and bring enlightenment to the every day. (Equally, there are designers I dislike or who represent something I don’t want to be associated with. )

A great design item could perhaps be compared to a gorgeous meal. You can eat and get all the nutrition you need from boiled rice, cooked veggies and a piece of tofu or fish or chicken but this all could also be brought to the next level and be eaten in a beautiful dish that brings joy not only for the belly but to the eye and the taste buds – and could be shared in a lovely social gathering of friends and loved ones.

Another confession:
I fancy certain commodities. These are at the moment
1.    a hybrid bicycle
2.    any kind of bicycle for my partner (he doesn’t have one)
3.    hiking boots
4.    iPhone
5.    an armchair (ok, one or two)

Ok, change of subject.
This week has been so busy that I’m not going to match my exercising targets. It’s a shame. But it hasn’t been a bad week. I went twice to Kinesis work out and once water running. And I’ve worked quite intensively although not very physically with Sonja, so I think it’s all ok. Next week I’m off to Helsinki with Sonja to do some background studies for the upcoming show… We’ll check out a Burlesque club and participate in two workshops by Miss Indigo Blue. Should be fun!!!

When I came home from the swimming pool today, this ermine was jumping and running in the backyard & forest.

Photos by Pekka Mäkinen.

Hope you’ll have a nice week. Let me know your thoughts and comments.


Long time no see

ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival kept me very very busy but we finished the festival last week successfully. I had a great time, the works were very inspiring, touching, moving, disturbing, fun and everything the works of ANTI should be.

Now I’m moving my thoughts towards my new upcoming performance and although it still feels very distant and strange, I’m beginning to get excited. That’s good. So I’ve been sorting out rehearsal schedules and it looks like it’s somehow going to be possible to create. I think.

I’ve been so happy about my green coat. This is a coat I bought years ago in Stavanger in Norway from a fair trade shop. I somehow fell in love with the color although it was otherwise a bit strange. I thought it was kind of too long for me, the buttons were strange and there weren’t enough of them and it had weird velcro straps that were supposed to close it but it didn’t really work. I think I wore it a few times in Stavanger but I don’t remember having worn the coat ever in Finland because it was somehow…. strange…
Anyway, as I was complaining that I cannot afford to buy a new coat for the autumn (my old black one is seriously worn out), I suddenly remembered the green coat! I thought I could bring it to a dressmaker and get it somehow redone so that it could become my ‘new autumn coat’.  So that’s what I did and I’ve been wearing it a lot. Warm, funky color – and it’s new without buying anything new!

Shoes Minna Parikka, stockings Wolford, scarf Marco Polo

I had a little break from training during the extremely busy ANTI days but I did participate in the ANTI 10K – Run Write Run! It was actually the first time I ran 10k after my knee surgery. My knee still feels a bit weird but it was ok. It didn’t hurt but I couldn’t run very hard either. I had a shorter run the other day and my knee was a bit achy and I felt the same yesterday in the functional training. So I have to be careful.

Now I’m off to town with my daughter on our bikes. It’s not winter yet.


busy autumn days

Days and weeks just fly past as I’m so busy with the upcoming ANTI Festival, planning my new production, training and just the normal daily life. I caught again some kind of virus and have a flue which is really annoying. It’s not very bad at the moment and I went to quite hard functional training on Friday and Nordic walking today. I also have a Kinesis training today. I hope the flue doesn’t get worse. I was planning to have a dinner with Rosie Dennis tonight but Rosie, who arrived in Kuopio yesterday, had also woken up with a sore throat so we decided to dine another day. But I’m really looking forward to meeting Rosie tomorrow! It’s more than a year ago since I last saw her.

Yesterday I quickly popped into town to see if the local Marimekko shop had this skirt.

Those of you who have seen my Acts of Clothing performance know that I have mixed feelings about Marimekko but there are usually one or two items in their collections that I like. And the Marimekko shops in Kuopio NEVER have them. I don’t understand who makes the choices what they buy in and on what basis! So I already knew yesterday that they won’t have the skirt or that it would be very unlikely that they would, but just to be a pain in the ass, I went and asked anyway. And of course the answer was no. So not much reasons to visit the shops…

On Thursday I finally got my green coat from the dressmaker where it was fixed. It’s a coat I’ve bought in Stavanger, Norway, some years ago but it never really suited me. It was too long and the buttons were strange and one of them came off etc. So as I was feeling fed up with my worn out black coat, I suddenly remembered that maybe something could be done to the green coat to make it wearable. So it was shortened, buttons were changed and more buttons added. And now I love it! I will take a picture of it soon and post it here. The green is rather intense and I’m sure some people will hate it. But I’m really into it. In fact, I bought a pair of Wolford’s green tights to match the coat. And I’m sure it will look great with the United Nude Fold shoes that Gregg in bringing me from London. I can hardly wait!

Oh, last week I was again asked to become a candidate for the parliament election but I said no. I’m honored to be considered a candidate but it’s really not on my agenda, maybe some day, but not now.

Anyway, another crazily busy week ahead but so exciting. It’s almost ANTI time with an amazing selection of international artists and w wonderful conference and seminar programme. I’m sooooo much looking forward to it all.

Hope to see you all around.


Helsinki days

Shows of Acts of Clothing in the Ateneum theatre in Helsinki went really well. It was great to experience so many people being touched and moved by the work. It was also a real pleasure to be hosted by the producer Mika Väyrynen and the technical crew which was just great. I want to thank especially Timo who run all the shows. Everything went smoothly and well.




Mika took me to the concert of Paula Koivuniemi which took place in the Huvilateltta. It was just great! And I became a fan of Paula Koivuniemi. So much that I sent my son today in the rain back to town to buy Paula’s Rakkaudesta cd.
In Helsinki I managed to have some business meetings, see some work and some friends, too. It was a luxury to stay in Töölö which is a very nice and central part of Helsinki. At last I remembered to return my Lustwear socks which I’d bought sometime last year but which didn’t suite me at all. Hammi promised me to change them but I don’t know how many times I’ve been in Helsinki and not remembered to take the socks with me… I changed the socks into a kind of scarf since there’s no way I could afford at the moment one of their wonderful coats… In Stockmann I found the new Shock Absorber run bra on sale so now I’m also a very happy owner of a new black running bra.
The only down fall was that I caught a cold which didn’t really effect my show last night but today I woke up in the middle of the night feeling just terrible. The train journey home was a nightmare and I’ve been feeling really ill and bad all day, mostly sleeping and sipping tea. I really would like to go to work tomorrow but I don’t know if I can.

Maybe more about Helsinki in the next post and about one rather disappointing performance I saw…


Riga & Cesis & Helsinki

Last week I spent five days in Latvia. First I had two days off which I spent with Pekka in Riga and then we travelled to Cesis for the Cesis Art Festival and Care to Create conference where I gave a talk / discussion with Eric de Visscher.
The contemporary are festival was a great experience and I enjoyed both the programme and the conference a lot. And it was wonderful to meet so many collegues from Latvia, Lithuania, Russia and Iceland. The opening of the festival including the concert of contemporary music titled Joy was a real experience.








My hair pin from Akiko, sunglasses Ray-Ban Jackie Ohh, handbag LumiAccessories, T-shirt Paco Chicano


My dress Vero Moda ‘Very’ collection, handbag LumiAccessories, shoes Minna Parikka

My glasses Dolce & Gabbana


Right after returning from Latvia, I travelled to Helsinki to work with Gregg and Laura on the ANTI Festival. Despite the heat, we had a great time. By surprise, we also found Gregg telling stories about Bob Dylan in the exhibition in Kiasma! That was part of Johanna Lecklin’s Story Café which has also been shown at ANTI. There were actually quite a few ANTI artists in the exhibition; Antti Laitinen, Eeva-Mari Haikala, Seppo Rennvall, Marja Mikkonen…

Now I’ve been preparing for my ACTS OF CLOTHING performance at the Full Moon Dance Festival in Pyhäjärvi where I’m off tomorrow. It’s been rather sweaty – the all time heat record of Finland was beaten today, +37,2 celcius degree…
