Category Archives: Events

busy autumn

September and October are always such busy months for me. Partly because the ANTI Festival takes place in the end of September but not only. Autumn is also the time that artists and cultural organizations have to submit an insane number of applications in order to fund next year’s activities and also the period, when most of these activities are performed or shared with audiences. So there’s a lot going on, lot’s of future planning and grant writing – so much that it’s impossible to see everything that one is interested in. That’s a shame but at the same time, it’s ok, too. One shouldn’t really feel that it’s possible to see and follow everything, because it isn’t.

My autumn has also been unusually busy this year because I’ve started a new job in August as the arts programme manager of Finnish House of Dance in Helsinki. I’m super excited about the new and challenging job! It means I will spend more time in Helsinki and work in the field of dance much more closely than during the past few years. I’ve already visited Tanz Messe in Düsseldorf, Germany and seen quite a few performances. I saw the premiere of the new work Morphed by Tero Saarinen Company, Joona Halonen’s Nolla Nolla, Anne Hiekkaranta’s Conus Marmoreus!!! and Paula Tuovinen’s remake of Blondi as well as several works at Tanz Messe.

This week I attended Social Innovators Connected SIC!2014 conference in Helsinki. It was a very inspiring meeting of activists and organisers who run different kind of urban projects in different cities and countries. The participants were active individuals, communities and organizations working in the fields of culture, arts and sustainability and projects included cultural events, recycling, ecological lifestyles, local area development, promoting cycling, street carnivals, street art, multiculturalism, integration of immigrants and charity work. It was really nice to meet new people with whom I share similar values and who are active in their own cities encouraging dialogue, participation and sustainability.
IMG_1160 IMG_1162 IMG_1168
The conference was organized during Helsinki Design week which I haven’t really attended before, I don’t think. I’ve once visited Habitare fair a few years ago but that’s about it. I didn’t really have time to visit the different events this week but it was nice to notice them just by walking on the streets. But I did get to visit the HDW Design Market at the Cable Factory. What a great event! On the website it says that “the Design Market is the largest design outlet event in the Nordics and, year after year, one of the favourites of the Helsinki Design Week programme. For the tenth consecutive year, big and small brands gather to Kaapelitehdas to sell designs ranging from fashion and interior design to housewares. This time the event is bigger than ever”.
And yes, it was really busy and yes, there were great brands selling their designs at relatively good prices, some better than others. I had to check out my favourites like Terhi Pölkki, Lumi Accessories, Minna Parikka and Secto. There was also a quite a good representation of smaller and younger brands there such as Tauko Design whose Leijat trousers I tried on for the first time… and bought them, too! It was also nice that there was some street food, cafes, a wine bar etc etc. Me & my son enjoying the busy market on Saturday morning:
IMG_1178 IMG_1174 Upcoming weeks will be even busier as the ANTI Festival is in couple of weeks and before that, I will attend a meeting in Berlin and some events in Helsinki, too.

But tomorrow, I will have a day off! And I will sleep in, rest, stay at home and keep my hands off my computer.



Asuntomessuilla Jyväskylässä

Olen hieman puolueellinen, mutta Jyväskylän asuntomessuilla oli yksi talo, joka jollain tavalla sykähdytti, inspiroi ja vaikutti: Skammin talo. Olen puolueellinen siksi, että talon toinen arkkitehti Satu Ratinen Skammi Oy:stä on myös oman taloni suunnittelija. Pidän suunnattomasti myös Sadun ja hänen arkkitehtipuolisonsa Markun kodista Espoossa, jossa minulla on ollut ylellisyys vierailla.

En käynyt läheskään kaikissa messutaloissa – olin messuilla mieheni kanssa, joka ei tosiaankaan ole yhtä kiinnostunut arkkitehtuurista, taloista, rakennusten detaljeista ja materiaaleista kuin minä. Lisäksi oli helteinen päivä, mikä toi oman haasteensa hänen kanssaan kiertelyyn iltapäivän paahteessa. Mutta iltapäivä messuilla vierähti. Kävimme mm. Passiivikivitalo Leijassa, Villa Elissassa, Noppakoti B:ssä, Villa Lumouksessa, Talo A:ssa, Talo Luckissa ja Villa Muuramessa. Pienillä tonteilla atrium-taloissa kuten Lumous ja Luck tuntui olevan jotain ideaa, mutta en kuitenkaan syttynyt niistä erityisemmin. Talo Luck oli aivan liian valkoinen makuuni, mutta lattiassa, kylpyhuoneiden seinissä ja terassipinnoitteena käytetty Basfin Mastertop-polyuretaani oli materiaalina kiinnostava uusi tuttavuus – etenkin kun sen voi sävyttää käytännössä minkä väriseksi vaan. Tasainen, saumaton materiaali loi selkeitä, minimalistisia pintoja taloon.

Mutta ainoa kohde, josta otin edes kuvia, oli Skammin talo. Siinä oli kiinnostavia materiaaleja, tarkasti mietittyjä ja pieteetillä toteutettuja detaljeja, monikäyttöisiä, muunneltavia tiloja, ihanat, ikkunat, ylelliset terassit, jännittävä julkisivu ja vajassa maksaruohokatto. Minulla ei olisi mitään ongelmaa asua tuossa harkitusti suunnitellussa talossa, joka on kuitenkin henkii lämpöä, kotoisuutta ja jossa on sekä yksityisyyttä, avaruutta, valoa että sisään tulevaa maisemaa.

Ottamani räpsyt eivät ole hääppöisiä – googlaamalla löytyy lisää ja parempia kuvia, mutta tässä muutama:
P1090029 P1090030 P1090033 P1090035 P1090036 P1090038 P1090041 P1090042 P1090046 P1090047 P1090050 P1090051 Skammin talo myös inspiroi ja sain sielä monta hyvää ajatusta oman talomme viimeistelyyn. Kiitos arkkitehdeille!

Itse talon rakentaneena tiedän, mikä ponnistus se on. Se on valtava projekti, jossa on tuhat ja yksi asiaa ratkaistavana, mieletön määrä valintoja joita täytyy tehdä (etenkin kun ei ole kyseessä mikään ns. valmistalo) ja jota rajoittaa aikataulut, käytettävissä oleva aika ja raha. Siksi en voi kuin onnitella Satua ja Markkua sekä projektissa mukana olleita taustajoukkoja valtavasta voimanponnistuksesta! Aivan todella vaikuttavan talon olette rakentaneet! Ihmettelen ja ihailen myös heidän jaksamistaan. Rakentamisprojektin päälle vielä messut, jossa he ovat joka ikinen päivä aamusta iltaan paikalla keskustellen messuvieraiden kanssa, kuunnellen kaikenlaisia kommentteja ja vielä valvonnasta vastaten! Huhhuh.

Messut ovat vielä viikon verran avoinna Jyväskylässä. Käykäähän tutustumassa Skammin taloon! Suosittelen


Melbourne days 6-10



My time here seems to fly!

The last days I’ve spent working in the studio, reading about cities by Nigel Thrift, on work emails, seeing performances at the Next Wave Festival (saw Fluvial and Kids killing kids on Saturday which were both great), meeting up with some friends, artists and organizers and wandering about in the city and in Fitzroy… It’s quite inspiring to be on my own!

I’m aware that my aspirations for this month are ambitious – too high. But I’m trying to make most of it! Working on my new project, my PhD, letting myself to be inspired and excited about works I see, artists and curators I meet…

Melbourne city with its famous Lanes is buzzing but quite relaxed. Melbournians are famous of their hospitality – and they deserve to be! I’ve had only one very rude encounter at the Next Wave Festival club Shebeen where a waitress treated me like I was the most irrelevant person on earth. Well, it was a busy Saturday night and I’m not a young trendy hipster but still… I don’t particularly feel that I want to spend my money there – since my order wasn’t really much of an importance to that particular waitress.

Some pics of the famous Lanes:
P1080153 P1080154 P1080156I don’t really understand what’s going on with the horses on Swinston St.?
A Saturday afternoon walk from South Melbourne to the Queen Victoria Market:


Had a great coffee at the Market Lane Coffee:
P1080167 P1080164 P1080169Popped into Uniqlo, one my favourite shops! They’ve just recently opened the first shop in Australia and it’s in Melbourne! So it’s pretty packed and busy… I love their ultra light down jackets, I have a few… But I spotted some Finnish design there as well! Horray Tove Jansson and the Moomins! Horray Paola Suhonen and Ivana Helsinki!
P1080170 P1080171 P1080173 Melbourne offers a great variety of amazing food… Here some Vietnamese steamed dumplings.
P1080176Another morning run in Albert Park: 
IMG_0957My home street! P1080184All Australian made! Leggings by Zoya. A treat for myself from Smith St., Fitzroy. IMG_0965Tomorrow I’m off to Healesville for a day trip. Have to get some sleep now!


Melbourne day 4

My sleeping is still all weird. But got some reading of non-representational theory done. Very good. And I’m really into it, but need to read more.

In the evening I saw three performances at the Next Wave Festival. Natalie Abbots Maximum, Madonna Arms, and Club 3.0. Great night! Was also really nice to catch up with Sophie and Angharad.

On my way to Arts House Meat Market I popped into the Vans store to have a look at shoes that my daughter would like to get. Didn’t buy shoes but got a coffee cup for free! Nice, I actually need it.


Happy New Year!

So it’s 2014 and I wish you all a happy new year!

As you have noticed, my blogging hasn’t been very active in 2013 and  there are several reasons for it and maybe some excuses as well. One obvious reason is that besides my full time artistic work and part time work at ANTI Festival, I was also studying. I completed an MA in Cultural Policy and begun a course on management and leadership. Basically, this has meant that all the possible time I’ve had at hand, I’ve had to use on my studies and not i.e. on blogging. And believe me, it was a tough year! But for a longer time, I’ve also been suffering from a conflict concerning the content of my blogging. I have so many kind of ‘confidential’ plans, ideas and things going on which I don’t really feel confident sharing which makes me uneasy and hesitant – which is not good for blogging. Anyway… thought I would like to share that, at least. However, things are not looking much easier at the moment. My CEO training course is still going on (should be completed in May!) and after my MA, I’ve also begun a PhD at the University of Jyväskylä. My research plan was accepted by the university and I received a three month kick off grant to begin my thesis. Hurray! This is soooo exciting and terrifying and something I absolutely never thought of in my life before. And that is great! To be doing or to find yourself doing something you never could have imagined before. Because it means that all kinds of things unimaginable NOW might be possible at some point of your life so you really don’t know where life takes you. And I find this thought rather soothing.

2014 marks a new beginning for me also in a way that my 3 year artist grant from the Arts Council of Finland ended in December 2013 and I’ve returned full time to ANTI Festival since January. I feel rather excited about that and want to develop several aspects of the job and the organization itself. One thing I definitely want focus and need to spend time with is networking and seeing more work, especially in Finland. So, besides having some meetings,  last week I spent a few days in Helsinki at the Lux Helsinki Festival that focuses on light art. And I must say that I was… a bit disappointed. I mean my overall experience which consisted of the Invisible Light light art symposium and all the works at the festival experienced during a guided walk provided by the festival (my guide was Kukka-Maaria) was OK but the works themselves I found rather mainstream, commercial, decorative and just too easy, beautiful and colorful. Somehow to me these kinds of works represent something that should always be present in a big city and artistically, there wasn’t really anything that interesting to me about them. So to call Lux Helsinki a festival on light art is a bit confusing to me. Of course, I do think it’s great that Lux Helsinki gets people to walk on the streets, be outdoors, experience works in the beginning of January outdoors – in terms of cultural policy and citizenship this is great and very important. But it doesn’t mean that it’s great art and that is my problem. Probably I enjoyed Jari Haanperä’s Fyr and Philipp Artus’s Snailtrail the most and the symposium was inspiring to further think about issues on light art in general. But would I travel to Helsinki just for Lux Helsinki – no. But if you are there, why not.

This January I will be in Helsinki every week attending meetings, events and networking. Feels great! During my Helsinki days I’m also looking forward to have a dinner at Boulevard Social and Patrona.

Will keep you posted!



I have been so inactive with my blog because I’ve been so busy otherwise. I’ve had so many things going on that posting short notes here hasn’t felt right nor that important. And then as time goes by, it becomes more and more difficult to write anything…

I have been involved and will be sharing my experience at the Writing Movement project which is an exciting initiative to consider writing practices around contemporary dance. I was part of the seminar in Kuopio in June and will continue now in  the end of September in Helsinki.

In June I attended the amazing Performance Studies International conference at Stanford University and was one of the panelist in ‘Eco Art Performance: Deep Time and the Now of Environmental Performance‘ panel with just an amazing group of women! I talked about my performance work along with our chair Jennie Klein, Natalie Loveless, Dee Heddon and Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens… The whole PSI#19 experience was incredible and I heard so many exciting panels and lectures and met inspiring friends and collegues. Here I am with Jennie:

After the PSI#19 in Stanford, I got to spend a couple of days in the Redwoods with Annie & Beth and then almost a week In San Francisco. I was feeling incredibly lucky but also very guilty of not working on my thesis when I was in California. So I actually spent some time reading and I guess having had that time to think and reflect my thesis and its problems helped me to gather the energy and direction I desperately needed to carry on.

In the Redwoods:

In SF:

So when I came back home, I continued my thesis and spent my entire summer holiday working on it, 7 days a week as many hours per day that I possibly could think straight. But it is done and I have completed my studies, hurray! So I’m a very proud holder of MA in Cultural Policy. If you are interested, here’s the link to my thesis “Vedet seisahtuu, liikenteet pysähtyy”: kokemuksia uuden julkisen taiteen kohtaamisesta ANTI – Contemporary Art Festivalilla. It’s in Finnish.

I felt so bad spending the entire summer at my desk that after the final version of the thesis was sent off, I went to Helsinki with the kids for a couple of days. And we had such a wonderful time! I haven’t been ‘on holiday’ in Helsinki for ages so it was just so great hang around with the kids, eat in nice restaurants, swim in the sea in Mustikkamaa, visit Korkeasaari, Heureka, Linnanmäki, URB Festival and Flow Festival…

Last week I was in Brussels where we had a first meeting of Destinations project. Destinations is a project for curators who curate works in and for public spaces. So we had inspiring but intensive days sharing our practices and presenting our festivals or organizations, discussing public space, art & activism and audience participation. And I got to meet some friends like Rebecca French! Lovely.

Since spring I’ve been working on my new work which is going to premiere in Kuopio in November. It’s an exciting project but also very complicated in new and different ways for me so I’m not yet talking about it very much… But I will soon, I promise!

And the 12th ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival starts next week! Have a look at the programme and get ready for unexpected encounters in the city centre of Kuopio!!! And don’t forget the Exploring the city and the everyday life International seminar on Thursday the 26th of  September. I’m so much looking forward to it.

Anyhow, sorry for not having been active here. But as you can see, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been active elsewhere. You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook…


Markedet for scenekunst

Greetings from Sandefjord in Norway! Jag har tittat på barn och ungdom teater för två dagar på norska och också lite på engelska på det här Markedet for scenekonst. Eftersom jag inte pratar norska, kan det vara lite svårt ibland att förstå skådespel. Men det har varit roligt ännu! Och jag har sett många mycket intressanta verk. Och jag har pratat lite svenska. Imorgon ska vi resa till Oslo för en dag och till hem för veckoslutet!

Har det bra!


MAP OF SCARS in Oulu this week!

I’m so much looking forward to the shows of MAP OF SCARS in Oulu this Friday and Saturday. I’m travelling there tomorrow and we are rehearsing on Wednesday with the dancers, then our light designer Ainu joins us on stage on Thursday and then we perform the piece on Friday and Saturday at 7pm at the cultural centre Valve.
Oh I’m so much looking forward to these three gorgeous ladies go crazy and silly with great self irony!

I’m also really looking forward to experience again some intimate, strong, sensual and physical duets.

And seeing some visually stunning images.

All photos @ Pekka Mäkinen.

Maybe some new scars? Who knows.

It will be just great to get together with Ainu, Pirjo, Sannamaria and Tuovi! And will be good to be in Oulu for a few days.

As I was browsing I found this blog post (in Finnish) about the performance which I hadn’t seen before:
Also there’s a post about the ICE HOT quality panel from which was held in Helsinki last December. It’s also in Finnish and you can find it here:

Anyway, book you tickets and come to see us this weekend!


Montreal in pictures

As you can see, I had a short but intense visit to Montreal. Thanks for the invitation Les Escales Improbables de Montreal!
My morning run to Parc Mount Royal was also unforgettable and the view just stunning:

I met some great people, saw exciting works, traveled for days and ate some good foods! What else can you wish for?


images of Amsterdam

Before Christmas I spent five days in Amsterdam where I performed Twirling World as part of the Nordic Gold event.
I haven’t been to Holland since my graduation in 1997 (besides the Schiphol airport) so it was great to visit Amsterdam again. Walking down the canals and narrow streets of Amsterdam brought back so many memories and emotions that it was all a bit overwhelming. Amsterdam has such a special character and feeling and I must say that I’ve missed it!

Walking on Nine Streets, I came across this pop-up party:

And I swear I wasn’t looking for and didn’t even know where the Marlies Dekkers‘ shops are, but this came on my way:

In one of the vintage shops I saw the exact glittery top that I bought in the 1980’s from London and which has been stolen from the performance I don’t have anything to wear.

I had a wonderful Saturday morning at the Farmers’ Market in Nordmarkt and the most delicious apple pie and coffee in Cafe Winkel. I bought tons of Dutch cheeses for Christmas – they are the best. I’m a very big fan of old gouda, especially the ones made of goat’s milk.

We performed Twirling World in Rabozaal, a new space between the city theatre and Melkweg. The space was great, a huge stage with a big seated audience. We just used the stage, cutting of the seating with a metallic wall.

The performance itself went ok, I think, but the day building up the show, trying to do a run through, warm-up, prepare and to get all the necessary stuff was very stressful. Two things I learned: Twirling World cannot be toured without my own technician and I need to have my own private accommodation.
This is the painting of the Amsterdam show:

I’m sorry I haven’t been a very active blogger recently. I’ve been extremely busy and therefor a bit too tired and stressed at times. But now I’m trying to relax and take it easy. A party with a group of girlfriends today – really looking forward to it!
