Category Archives: House building

Asuntomessuilla Jyväskylässä

Olen hieman puolueellinen, mutta Jyväskylän asuntomessuilla oli yksi talo, joka jollain tavalla sykähdytti, inspiroi ja vaikutti: Skammin talo. Olen puolueellinen siksi, että talon toinen arkkitehti Satu Ratinen Skammi Oy:stä on myös oman taloni suunnittelija. Pidän suunnattomasti myös Sadun ja hänen arkkitehtipuolisonsa Markun kodista Espoossa, jossa minulla on ollut ylellisyys vierailla.

En käynyt läheskään kaikissa messutaloissa – olin messuilla mieheni kanssa, joka ei tosiaankaan ole yhtä kiinnostunut arkkitehtuurista, taloista, rakennusten detaljeista ja materiaaleista kuin minä. Lisäksi oli helteinen päivä, mikä toi oman haasteensa hänen kanssaan kiertelyyn iltapäivän paahteessa. Mutta iltapäivä messuilla vierähti. Kävimme mm. Passiivikivitalo Leijassa, Villa Elissassa, Noppakoti B:ssä, Villa Lumouksessa, Talo A:ssa, Talo Luckissa ja Villa Muuramessa. Pienillä tonteilla atrium-taloissa kuten Lumous ja Luck tuntui olevan jotain ideaa, mutta en kuitenkaan syttynyt niistä erityisemmin. Talo Luck oli aivan liian valkoinen makuuni, mutta lattiassa, kylpyhuoneiden seinissä ja terassipinnoitteena käytetty Basfin Mastertop-polyuretaani oli materiaalina kiinnostava uusi tuttavuus – etenkin kun sen voi sävyttää käytännössä minkä väriseksi vaan. Tasainen, saumaton materiaali loi selkeitä, minimalistisia pintoja taloon.

Mutta ainoa kohde, josta otin edes kuvia, oli Skammin talo. Siinä oli kiinnostavia materiaaleja, tarkasti mietittyjä ja pieteetillä toteutettuja detaljeja, monikäyttöisiä, muunneltavia tiloja, ihanat, ikkunat, ylelliset terassit, jännittävä julkisivu ja vajassa maksaruohokatto. Minulla ei olisi mitään ongelmaa asua tuossa harkitusti suunnitellussa talossa, joka on kuitenkin henkii lämpöä, kotoisuutta ja jossa on sekä yksityisyyttä, avaruutta, valoa että sisään tulevaa maisemaa.

Ottamani räpsyt eivät ole hääppöisiä – googlaamalla löytyy lisää ja parempia kuvia, mutta tässä muutama:
P1090029 P1090030 P1090033 P1090035 P1090036 P1090038 P1090041 P1090042 P1090046 P1090047 P1090050 P1090051 Skammin talo myös inspiroi ja sain sielä monta hyvää ajatusta oman talomme viimeistelyyn. Kiitos arkkitehdeille!

Itse talon rakentaneena tiedän, mikä ponnistus se on. Se on valtava projekti, jossa on tuhat ja yksi asiaa ratkaistavana, mieletön määrä valintoja joita täytyy tehdä (etenkin kun ei ole kyseessä mikään ns. valmistalo) ja jota rajoittaa aikataulut, käytettävissä oleva aika ja raha. Siksi en voi kuin onnitella Satua ja Markkua sekä projektissa mukana olleita taustajoukkoja valtavasta voimanponnistuksesta! Aivan todella vaikuttavan talon olette rakentaneet! Ihmettelen ja ihailen myös heidän jaksamistaan. Rakentamisprojektin päälle vielä messut, jossa he ovat joka ikinen päivä aamusta iltaan paikalla keskustellen messuvieraiden kanssa, kuunnellen kaikenlaisia kommentteja ja vielä valvonnasta vastaten! Huhhuh.

Messut ovat vielä viikon verran avoinna Jyväskylässä. Käykäähän tutustumassa Skammin taloon! Suosittelen


working on the sauna

Today I finally had some time to work on our sauna project. This is the luxury of having a long weekend at home. Painting is so rewarding and weather was great today! This pic has been taken a few days ago but today we finished all the walls with first black coat and 3 walls with the second layer.

And what a pleasure it was painting while the kids were baking bread and muffins! Justiina’s muffins were seriously the best I’ve ever had and kids served them with coffee. Heaven on earth!


City of Women

It was great to visit the City of Women Festival in Ljubljana. Saw some interesting work, met great artists and friends and got to spend a few days in a new city. Diamanda Galas’s concert was fantastic, as well as Alejanda Herrera Silva’s performance. It was also amazing to learn about the work of Regina Jóse Galindo, Nahomi Ximenez, Via Negativa and Nataša Živković. And had great talks with Jennie Klein and the artistic director of the festival Mara Vujić. On the last day of the festival we also had a really good and efficient meeting with A Space for Live Art partners so I’m all happy about the trip.

Brought back Slovenian salt and chocolate. Walked a lot. Didn’t run with the painful knee.







Nahomi negotiating  if the policeman will accept a hug:


He didn’t so she hugged Mara instead:ljubl08_low.jpg

Artistic director Mara, Nahomi and Jennie:

The building where my flat was:

After returning home I’ve realized I have an enormous amount of work ahead of me. This and the upcoming week I’m performing BODY/HAIR, the week after it’s soft skin / harsh life and then it’s all about the ACTS OF CLOTHING. Really wanted to visit Performa but I really don’t think it’s possible in any way. Unfortunately.

Today I went for a run and rehearsed air acrobatics for BODY/HAIR. Feel really exhausted now.

I ordered new running shoes. Need to do something about the oddly painful knee I’ve never had before.

See you in the BODY/HAIR performances.


At home

A lot of time spent home with family this summer. Somehow nice and relaxing, although at times hard for me. During the last year, I’ve been away travelling so much that now I actually have been able to enjoy being at home, not on my way anywhere. Of course it helps to know that some trips are approaching –Copenhagen in August and London in September… A chance to see friends and collegues, to feel connected to the field I’m working in.
I had the most terrible throat infection for almost two weeks, which really slowed me down. Then there was the funeral of my 32 year-old cousin. That was really really hard emotionally. Oh my god. Besides the work on the house, I’ve been concentrating on my exercise routine -jogging, gym and functional training. At the moment I really enjoy this period of preparing for my new work and working on my fitness, having time to think and prepare the work –although it feels there’s never enough time for this period.
ANTI Festival is approaching but this week I’m off from that business. Next week we are back full on and it’s time to get to serious business.
Today we painted one wall and hang some curtains. Painfully slow, but things are getting there. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so impatient, but only sometimes. Impatience can be a great force, an energy.
I cycled with the kids to a park today and went swimming with them. Felt like a proper person for a moment. I’ll try to enjoy these last days of summer holiday with them but to be honest, cannot wait to get back to work.


Hot days

We have been blessed – or cursed- by unusually warm and hot days. The children have had 4 days off and they have fully enjoyed the summer like weather including shorts, sandals, t-shirts and the like. We’ve also had exciting days watching the back yard slowly starting to turn from brown to green and some kind of green perennials pushing from he dirt, growing every day. Last autumn I planted some perennials, don’t really remember what they were. There were some tulips though and they are vigorously growing. It’s kind of amazing. I’ve never had a garden before and I don’t come from a family of gardening enthusiasts so this is all new and strange. But the kids are excited. It’s been almost too hot to work. We’ve done some work on the house though and I worked today setting up a place for the rhododendrons.
green2.jpg green4.jpg green5.jpg green6.jpg green3.jpg
Yesterday I felt really irritated and headed to the gym. It felt a bit ridiculous to work out in the gym when the weather was so great but I really needed it. This morning I went for a jog and ended up training for one and half hour. My calves are a bit achy now but otherwise I felt good and energetic. This was the first time I ran to Haapaniemi from our place via the Saaristokatu. And it was quite stunning. The road is not officially open yet but you actually can get all the way to town by it. The views are just beautiful and as the day was sunny, it was very idyllic. Saaristokatu will be such an incredible improvement for us and others who live in the neighbourhood. I’m already now looking forward to cycling and walking to the city centre. It’s also great for walking and jogging.
As I was a kind of super mom today, doing my exercise routine, cooking two delicious meals and being at home with the family, I was feeling guilty of not getting to do some work I wanted and needed to do. Well, I guess I’ll be more focused on that tomorrow but it’s so hard for me to relax when I know I have work waiting that could be doing now. This is silly, I know, but I cannot help it.
Luckily, in rained in the evening and now it seems a storm is approaching. The shower was needed and very welcome. And after it, an enormous rainbow. The image by Pekka.

Last week I found out I didn’t get more production funding for my new group piece so I have to see how I manage to produce the work with the existing funding. Not easy. If at all possible. Will have to see.

Hope you are well,

I love…

the way my mind is working on the new solo piece. Spending last week in studio, I definitely got the process going. Next week is a school holiday here so the kids are at home and I don’t have studio time booked. But I’m thinking I might have sneak into studio as I have lots of things in mind I want to work with and try out. Exciting! I could work outside if only it wasn’t so cold.

On Friday I went to the strategy meeting of the regional dance centre, and to my shock, I was the ONLY one there! Well, I had a good conversation with Vilja and also Jari later on, so I didn’t mind. But still, I don’t understand how a total lack of dialogue is possible here. We’ll try to arrange another meeting soon, but it doesn’t really wipe away the experience of this one.

We have been working on panelling the house. Keeping in mind the height of the house, it’s going surprisingly well. It’s only the rain that was troubling us today and we couldn’t continue very long. Yesterday we finished the north wall, all the way up! Pekka was really high on the simple ladder, I tried to help the best I could. To avoid any form of mishaps in the future, I just saw a few top 10 best reviews for a good ladder, so that all the further work goes on smoothly with complete safety. ulkoverhousta102007_3low.jpg



I still love the panel and it’s going to be so beautiful. The colour differences are due to the iron sulphite reacting (i.e. making the wood turn grey) to UV-rays and humidity/water. So the fresh panel is lighter because it’s been in a shed where it doesn’t get wet or too much sunlight. But it surprisingly quickly evens out, at least, let’s say in about a year.


Friday, at last

Tiring week behind me. Finished the first rehearsal period with mixed feelings; in many ways I’m very happy with the work we did but at the same time today I felt a kind of hesitation in the rehearsal which made me feel strange. Well, it’s all familiar but still left me thinking about it.
I was setting up my office and went through some papers in my archive. I found a piece of paper with John Cage’s rules and hints and Rule8 really suits my mood:

“Do not try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes.”

When I got home I felt really tired. Our plumber was working with Pekka setting up the washing machine and for a moment I felt really happy that things are actually moving on. They didn’t finish the job as some parts were missing (as usual) but I have hope that tomorrow I’ll be able to wash clothes and sheets. A kind of handy possibility in a family of two children…

The new website is up now, thanks to Mladen! At the moment the site is available only in English but we are working on the Finnish version as well. Some information of my works is not up yet but I’m working on it. But if you have any questions in the mean time, don’t hesitate to ask me or Maija, my producer.

And let me know what you think about it!


I love pink and hate intriguers

The first pink flower on our backyard.


My daughter noticed this one the other morning and dashed to see what it was like! Just a beauty, a miracle in the midst of the chaos.


…ordered some mineral make-up that arrived today…


kind of therapeutic in the middle of all the difficulties, questions, tasks, pain, work…

Had a conversation about the regional dance centre here and one person who thinks maybe a bit too highly of herself in relation to the dance centre. Who censors conversation, looks at art and dance with a quite narrow mind, who so strongly believes in her own view that cannot accept, acknowledge, respect, value or even listen to other views. Who thinks she’s always right. Who thinks she knows everything. I don’t really care about other people’s castles in the air but when they’re built in the costs of a larger community who this person thinks she has a right speak for without understanding, acknowledging, accepting or valuing the rest of the community, the differing opinions, then I just think it’s ignorant and quite stupid.



It’s funny to observe one’s behaviour and thoughts when something is restricted. At the moment I’m not allowed to sit and it’s been interesting to realize when, how and in which situations my mind wants me to sit and how this simple restriction actually changes my patterns of thought and action. And how much it has eased my back pain! Well, of course I’ve also been resting as ordered by my doctor and taking some medicines but still. I actually find it much better to work by my laptop standing rather than sitting in a bad posture by the desk. The kitchen worktop is on a perfect height for me (90cm) when standing. And as my ‘office’ is not yet finished anyway, this suits me very well.
I got a pile of magazines from Maija yesterday and it’s been such a luxury to lie in bed and read. I love magazines. I have to be really careful not become such a magazine junkie again as this addiction is showing it’s nature again… Yes, I still order a couple (only a few!) design magazines but last spring I quit ordering most of them. I’m very proud of this and in general I prefer recycling them so anyone who wants to recycle their magazines with me is most welcome! I talked on the phone with my son the other day and I told him I was lying in bed recovering from my back injury. He then said: “Let me guess, you have a pile of magazines next to the bed!”
In the process of facing the truth of our financial situation, I made an Excel of all our living costs from January 2007 onwards. In this bigger picture, my magazine addiction is not that worrying, really. And the daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat is included in the Excel! But the statistics might look a little better as I quit most of the magazine orders last spring but still, it never was that bad. It’s just my partner who doesn’t have this addiction and who therefore cannot understand the bliss of it either.
Now that we’ve moved out of the centre, I have to face the costs of travelling to work and school. Well, of course this was known beforehand but still, it’s over all quite expensive here in Kuopio. As far as I know, Kuopion Liikenne, which runs the busses of the city, is the most expensive in the whole country. Public transport is definitely not cheap here but more so I hate that on our street most families have more than two cars. For me it’s either my bike or the bus.
The last couple of days have been really hot and since we still don’t have curtains, it’s been unbearably hot in the house, upstairs especially. Impossible to do any hard work in the house! Fortunately, we now have a shower, which helps the life in general, a lot. But there’s a lot of work remaining undone.
I have been working on my next productions a lot and worrying about the future of the ANTI-Festival. Some serious actions need to be done.


The latest column

 …in Finnish:

Freelancerin kesäloma

Kevään viimeisten esitysten jälkeen kesäkuun lopussa ajattelin, että nyt vihdoin pääsen työasioista irti ja lomalle. Tuleva ’loma’ ei silti ollut ihan rentouttavimmasta päästä, sillä vuoden kestänyt rakennusprojekti oli huipentumassa muuttoon, mutta työ rakennuksella ei millään näyttänyt vähenevän. Kaikki mahdollinen ’loma’ kului siis rakennustyömaalla esimerkiksi kattoa vaneroidessa ja portaita kasatessa. Yöt istuin netin ääressä vessanpönttöjä ynnä muita hankintoja vertaillen. Samaan aikaan mieltä painoi, kun en saanut mistään raosta irrotettua aikaa lupautumaani blogikeskusteluun, josta myöhemmin syksyllä julkaistaan artikkeli. Muuton jälkeen makasin selkä tuhannen sohjona, lähes liikuntakyvyttömänä aivastustakin peläten, kunnes menin lääkärin ja sain semmoiset kipulääkkeet, että pystyin istumaan ja osallistumaan blogikeskusteluun. Sitten alkoikin lappaa talossamme kaikenlaista ohikulkijaa, jotka enemmän ja vähemmän kauhistelivat työmaan keskeneräisyyttä. Hyötyäkin heistä toki oli; heidän avullaan on mm. saatu kannettua yläkertaan kylmiö, kivitasot ja takkasydän. Aikataulujen vuoksi olin joutunut sopimaan seuraavan projektini kuvauspäivät muuttoa seuraavalle viikolle, keskelle ’kesälomaani’, ja kipulääkkeiden voimalla saapastelin korkokengissä pitkin lähimetsiä uutta teosta kuvaten. Kun kuvaustiimi pakkasi kamansa, pihaan kurvasi mieheni sisko perheineen. He lohduttivat, että heidän tuttavat ovat asuneet talossaan vuoden ilman  muuttotarkastusta. He katsoivat siis viisaammaksi jatkaa matkaansa kuin jäädä työmaallemme majailemaan.
Jos en ole pystynyt osallistumaan jonkun työn tekemiseen, niin olen kestinnyt työläisiä ja muita vieraita. Välillä olen tuskaillut kahden kirjoittamattoman kolumnin kanssa, palaveerannut tuottajani kanssa, oikolukenut seuraavan ANTI-festivaalin käsiohjelmaa ja pitänyt Skype-konferensseja festivaaliin liittyen. Eilen juttelin puhelimessa äitini kanssa, joka kysyi: ”Niin, onko sulla nyt loma?” Ja minä vastasin: ”Joo, on. Tavallaan.”
Kesäkuussa tapasin erästä kulttuurialan konsulttia organisoidakseni työasioitani kenties hieman järkevämmin. Ensimmäinen asia, mitä hän korosti, oli etukäteen päättää minkä ajan vuodesta pystyy käyttämään aktiivisesti projektien toteuttamiseen ja minkä jättää koskemattomaksi, jotta luovaa taiteellista työtä jaksaa tehdä muullakin kuin nuoruuden innolla. Näyttää, ettei yksi konsultaatio riitä minulle.

Johanna Tuukkanen