Category Archives: Politics

busy autumn days

Days and weeks just fly past as I’m so busy with the upcoming ANTI Festival, planning my new production, training and just the normal daily life. I caught again some kind of virus and have a flue which is really annoying. It’s not very bad at the moment and I went to quite hard functional training on Friday and Nordic walking today. I also have a Kinesis training today. I hope the flue doesn’t get worse. I was planning to have a dinner with Rosie Dennis tonight but Rosie, who arrived in Kuopio yesterday, had also woken up with a sore throat so we decided to dine another day. But I’m really looking forward to meeting Rosie tomorrow! It’s more than a year ago since I last saw her.

Yesterday I quickly popped into town to see if the local Marimekko shop had this skirt.

Those of you who have seen my Acts of Clothing performance know that I have mixed feelings about Marimekko but there are usually one or two items in their collections that I like. And the Marimekko shops in Kuopio NEVER have them. I don’t understand who makes the choices what they buy in and on what basis! So I already knew yesterday that they won’t have the skirt or that it would be very unlikely that they would, but just to be a pain in the ass, I went and asked anyway. And of course the answer was no. So not much reasons to visit the shops…

On Thursday I finally got my green coat from the dressmaker where it was fixed. It’s a coat I’ve bought in Stavanger, Norway, some years ago but it never really suited me. It was too long and the buttons were strange and one of them came off etc. So as I was feeling fed up with my worn out black coat, I suddenly remembered that maybe something could be done to the green coat to make it wearable. So it was shortened, buttons were changed and more buttons added. And now I love it! I will take a picture of it soon and post it here. The green is rather intense and I’m sure some people will hate it. But I’m really into it. In fact, I bought a pair of Wolford’s green tights to match the coat. And I’m sure it will look great with the United Nude Fold shoes that Gregg in bringing me from London. I can hardly wait!

Oh, last week I was again asked to become a candidate for the parliament election but I said no. I’m honored to be considered a candidate but it’s really not on my agenda, maybe some day, but not now.

Anyway, another crazily busy week ahead but so exciting. It’s almost ANTI time with an amazing selection of international artists and w wonderful conference and seminar programme. I’m sooooo much looking forward to it all.

Hope to see you all around.



I’ve realized how stressful the spring was and now that I’m easing into the summer and a bit of a holiday, I start to feel all the workload in my body. I even haven’t had the time to sit down in peace to write my blog and there are numerous things that I haven’t managed to complete the way I would have liked or needed to. I have some issues with my lower back and neck which need a bit of focus, time and energy.
My performances during the Kuopio Dance Festival as part of Paikallisliike 09 event went well but left me with a lot of questions. I was very happy that some collegues, people from the Finnish Dance Information Centre and at least one international writer were present at the performances but I don’t understand why the Kuopio Dance Festival cannot collaborate with the regional dance centre more thoroughly. Many dance professionals say that the Paikallisliike programme is much more exciting than the actual Kuopio Dance Festival programme but still there are a lot of writers that were in Kuopio who did not bother to see the full Paikallisliike programme because they don’t consider the program seriously. Jussi Tossavainen from Helsingin Sanomat and Eeva Kauppinen from the Finnish theatre magazine and Kaleva newspaper -among others- were here but did not attend the full Paikallisliike programme (they also didn’t bother to attend the launch of the ANTI Festival 2009 programme). I saw Eeva in one of the performances, which consisted of two worst works I’ve seen for a while. I don’t know, but I think she was there because one of the works was a premiere by Rimpparemmi, a folk dance group from the same region where she lives. Jussi Tossavainen I only saw in the Veljmies supermarket gambling and didn’t feel like saying hello to him. I don’t know – I just don’t understand why writers across Finland and Europe come all this way but instead of seeing as much as they can, they gamble, take salsa classes or otherwise just relax as supposed so showing interest to contemporary dance artists’ works? This really depresses me. Well, an exception was Ann-Marie Wrange from the Swedish Dans Tidningen who came to see several nights of the Paikallisliike event and who also attended both of my works. That was really lovely and I enjoyed her presence in BODY/HAIR a lot.

There’s a lot I would like to blog about but I will have to continue tomorrow. Today I went to functional training and cycled back and forth and feel pretty exhausted now. I’ve promised to my trainer that I will run a half marathon in September so I’m in the middle of my running programme. I’ll write more about that soon.



breakfastWhat a sunny and beautiful and bright day. I’m enjoying an easy morning at home and having a luxury of reading the newspaper in peace, updating my blogs, commenting other people’s blogs, listening to radio, enjoying that the kids are outside playing. A good moment.
I went to Helsinki earlier this week to attend a reception hosted by Alexander Stubb, the foreign minister of Finland. He held the reception for remarkable Finnish artists & important people working in the arts and there were a lot of A-list celebrities and artists there -and me of course. Also the president of Finland, Tarja Halonen popped by. It was a really good party and I got to meet and talk to a lot of people including Minna Parikka whose fan I am. I was wearing the same handbag as Minna and her shoes as well. Anyway, artist Riiko Sakkinen was there and he had criticised the art works Alexander had bought recently. So today’s Helsingin Sanomat reported, that Alexander had admitted that he doesn’t know anything about contemporary art and asked Riiko to invite 12 artists for a dinner so that he can learn more about contemporary art. I think this is great but I’m concerned that Riiko’s knowledge of contemporary art is very limited to visual arts and artists. I think I have to send some material to Alexander or do something else. Ideas?

Yesterday I went to see a really awful performance Verigreippi. I really didn’t understand why the makers of the performance wanted me or anyone to witness what they were doing. I didn’t believe in anything they did or said. It was just so pretencious and false and there really wasn’t anything there to see or hear or to think. Oh god. What a waste of time.

I’m off to run now and enjoy the beautiful day. Would be great to hear what you think about Riiko Sakkinen introducing contemporary art to Alexander Stubb or Verigreippi for that matter…


ps. in the image Bodium coffee maker, Polar FT60, painting by Mikko Valtonen, wall paper Larsen ‘winter tree’, table BoConcept ‘Amari’, chair Danerka, Iittala plate, KoKo coffee cup, Apple MacBook

Report from Stavanger

Days in Stavanger have been a long but exciting. Annie Sprinkle’s and Beth Stephens’ work and them just being part of TW1 project (and Stavanger 2008) have caused a great controversy in Stavanger. There have been attacks against their work and especially Annie as she has been a porn star and a prostitute in her past -and of course us and TouScene as organisers of this project. So since yesterday we have been in interviews by newspapers, radio and television. And mostly all we have done, is talk about porn and prostitution –although Annie’s and Beth’s work is not about either of those things. Their work is about love and the seven year project they are involved in at the moment can be viewed on their website in more detail.
Anyway, Annie and Beth are just amazing artists and incredible women and feminists and I’m so proud that I have been able to curate them into the project.

Annie & Beth had posted this email out to their fellow artists to tell a little about their experiences:

“Fellow performance artists,

Today’s performance piece in Stavanger, Norway.
By the Love Art Laboratory.

1. Sensationalist press writes about prostitute/porn star (Annie) and her lesbian lover coming to “give away free sex in norway as art”!!!! ??? (SO not true)
2. Anti-porn feminists protest Sidewalk Sex Clinic with Beth and Tom Garretson (fellow artist from Oslo). And also protest the curators of art exhibit and harass the funders of art project we and other artists are doing. Saying art org supports prostitution and porn!!!! ???
3. A tall man (Neo nazi?) in ski mask walks up to our window and spray paints a Jewish star and writes JEW on the windows of the building we’re doing our performance in. (Annie is Jewish blood–Unitarian actually)
4. We, the friendly performance artists, then go stand among the crowd of anti-porn (“all porn stars are victims or perpetrators”) feminists while wearing our white lab coats and holding daisies. Confusing the anti-porn feminists and the media and amusing ourselves.

It was an interesting day.


Yesterday was the first day of the showing period so there were great tours by the artists, sculptures, installations, sound, performance etc. happening. I’m quite pleased how it all went and the works were very well attended by audiences and very covered in the media. Here are some images I’ve taken during the last couple of days.

The demonstration by Ottar yestrday: demonstration3_pos.jpg



Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic by LoveArtLab & Tom Garretson:


Annie & Atle, the owner of the Love Shop:


Geir, our producer and Per Arna, the general manager of Tou Scene:


Elaine Kordys floating in Badedammen:


Helge Olav:


Mariela Limerutti:



Mona & Torunn:


A tour on Nytorget:


Torunn by the sculpture of Nils Thomas & Rune:


Kristen Gustavson from Urban Sjöfront:


TW1 artists with Kirsten:




Trond from the Svop/t -team:


The Pedicab:


Tom & Beth & Annie:



More updates coming shortly.


Proud to be a Finn

I know there’s talk and writing about Ilkka Kanerva going on everywhere, but since I’m in Stavanger at the moment, I couldn’t help but notice the scandal on the front page of Vardens gang today. Oh boy.



Art & Life

I just had to post this here. The text below is copied from Mitluana’s blog It’s about artists who are forced by the unemployment office to attend the strangest ’courses’ if they fail to support themselves by their art or find a job. What is curious about this specific course is that the second aim of it is for the student to realize, that to make a living in the arts is unrealistic and to change their profession!

”Eräät ihmiset ovat saaneet erään kaupungin työvoimatoimistolta kirjeen, jossa heidät pakotetaan osallistumaan “Taiteella toimeen” -kurssille tai muuten he menettävät työmarkkinatukensa. Ovat taidealan ihmisiä siis, aika hiljattain valmistuneita, ja olleet työttöminä tai nykyajan tyypillisissä pätkätyösuhteissa. Ei siinä mitään, mutta kurssin nimestä huolimatta kurssin tavoitekuvauksen kohta 2 on aika “mielenkiintoinen”.

Kurssin nimi: Taiteella toimeen (nro xxxxxxxx)

Paikkakunta: X
Kouluttaja Konsulttitoimisto X
Koulutus alkaa x.x.xxxx Kesto xx pv
Haku päättyy xx.xx.xxxx Opiskelijapaikkoja xx

Kuvaus: Kurssi on tarkoitettu taidealoille koulutuksen saaneille tai taidealoilla työskenneille työttömille työnhakijoille.

1.Opiskelija tulee toimeen taiteen tekemisellä joko oikeiden kontaktien kautta, lisäkoulutuksella tai perustamalla yrityksen.
2.Opiskelija huomaa, että toimeen tuleminen taiteen alalla on epärealistista ja lähtee uudelle uralle.
3.Opiskelija tekee tämän päivän vaatimusten mukaisen portfolion töistään (sähköisen, jos mahdollista) ja oppii samalla vähintään tietojenkäsittelyn perustaidot.

Että tällaista työvoima- ja koulutuspolitiikkaa meillä Suomessa.”



The children are in school and daycare, I didn’t need to rush anywhere this morning, it’s quiet and I have time to think. Isn’t that unusual?
I realize I’m left wondering about one article by Janne Saarakkala I read the other day on a bus. The article has appeared in a new Finnish magazine called Esitys (Performance) and it’s titled Ajattelemisen poliittisuudesta (’About the political nature of thinking’, my translation). It was really inspiring and reminded me how and maybe why thinking is not encourage in our society, how straining and difficult thinking is and how it takes time – which we don’t have. Or do we? Could we?
Anyway, as I’m sitting here, thank god away from Facebook, I cannot but enjoy the quietness, the space before going into the studio, a time that is not fulfilled by tasks I need to urgently complete. Just being here. I know there are million things I need to do and could be doing them as well, but there will be a time for those as well. They don’t need to be here and now. Is it possible to relax now and enjoy the moment, knowing that there are unfinished issues that need to be addressed? I believe so. And to celebrate this thought a little bit more, I’m going to take a walk in the woods now.

Hope you can take the time, too.


Mulla ei oo mitään päälle pantavaa –premiere next week


There’s been pretty good publicity about the upcoming I don’t have anything to wear performances. There have been articles about the work with images in Savon Sanomat (10.3.) and Viikko-Savo (10.3.) and some radio stations were interested in it but I’m not sure if they have broadcasted anything as I haven’t had time to listen to the radio. But as I was in town today there were many people saying that they are coming to see the work so the best way to make sure that you get to see it, is to make a reservation! The gallery space is limited so once it’s full it’s full. So yes, email or call me to make a reservation.
The rehearsals with Jaana went very well as usual, and I’m blessed to work with her. The piece lasts about an hour, maybe a little more but it’s difficult to say at the moment as we have not been physically working in the gallery yet. The space there is just beautiful and it’s quite an unusual space so it’s a bit of a mystery to see how we will fit in there with our clothes, props, Jaap’s sound system, Kaisa’s exhibition and our audience! And oh god what will the audience think as they’ll watch us constantly talking about what to wear, wondering how to look convincing, how to appear professional, how to look taller and thinner and younger and especially when they see us pretending to do yoga in bras and fishnet tights!
Well, we think it’s fun and contradicting and pointing out the superficiality of it all. Let’s see if our audience agrees.
Photographs: Pekka Mäkinen

My latest column was published in the Kuopion Kaupunkilehti on the internationl Women’s Day on the 8th of March and here it is (in Finnish) if you didn’t get the paper itself:

“Voiko feministi äänestää miestä?

8.3. vietetään kansainvälistä naisten päivää, 18.3. ovat eduskuntavaalit ja 19.3. on valtakunnallinen liputuspäivä Minna Canthin ja tasa-arvon kunniaksi. Kotiin jaettuja, varsin miehisiä vaalimainoksia selatessa ei ihan heti tule sellainen olo että monetkaan ehdokkaat olisivat kovinkaan perehtyneitä sukupuolen politiikkaan, pitäisivät tasa-arvoa keskeisimpänä keinona kohti parempaa Pohjois-Savoa saatikka julistautuisivat feministeiksi. Vaalilauseet julistavat mm. ”Vahva viitostien vaikuttaja” (Markku Eestilä), ”Miksi vähäosaiset unohdettiin?” (Kari Kärkkäinen), ”Rehellisesti ja rohkeasti” (Kari Rajamäki), ”Ihmiselle hyvä” (Pentti Oinonen), ”Monien mahdollisuuksien Panu eduskuntaan” (Panu Hiekkala), ”Oikea työväenmies vasemmalta” (Matti Semi), ”Kun uskomme itseemme, muutkin uskovat meihin” (Ossi Martikainen) ja niin edelleen. Siis mitä?! Tyhjää täynnä.
Joitakin viikkoja sitten kävimme feministiystävieni kanssa kuvauttamassa itsemme kirjastolla Megafån -taiteilijaryhmän Feministitapettiin. Kirjastolla pyöri lähinnä nuoria naisia sekä joitakin lapsiperheitä, mutta myös yksi kansanedustajaehdokasmies kävi itsensä kuvauttamassa! Hän oli Raimo Tuomainen, joka myös vaalilehdessään tunnustautuu feministiksi muistuttaen meitä Suomessa vallitsevasta näennäisestä tasa-arvosta, jossa esimerkiksi naisen euro on 80 senttiä ja vanhemmuuden kustannukset ovat naisten työnantajien vastuulla, mikä johtaa helposti nuorten naisten syrjimiseen työhönottotilanteissa. Tuomainen puhuu myös isyyden juhlistamisesta ja on erittäin huolestunut miesten ja isien syrjäytymisestä omista perheistään.
Olen tottunut äänestämään nuoria naisia, joita ei totisesti eduskunnassa tai politiikassa ylipäätään ole yhtään liikaa. Uskon kuitenkin, että on parempi äänestää sukupuolipoliittisesti valveutunutta feministimiestä kuin naista, joka uskoo että ammatillinen menestyminen on kiinni vain yksilön lahjakkuudesta ja ahkeruudesta, riippumatta jalkovälin varustuksesta. Vielä neljä vuotta sitten ei Pohjois-Savossa ollut edes naisen trendikästä käyttää f-sanaa julkisesti ainakaan eduskuntavaalien yhteydessä. Valituksihan tulikin 9 miestä ja yksi nainen! Vaikka aina ei jaksa uskoa huomiseen, niin pakko on sanoa, että jotakin positiivista on täytynyt tapahtua kun ehdokkaana on ainakin yksi feministi – olkoonkin mies.”

And what I picked up from the atmosphere at the Kuopio market square today, it seems that Raimo is well on his way to the Finnish parliament. Hurray!

Hope you are all well and hope to see you in the performances next week!

Can a feminist give a vote to a man?

That was the question of the day.

After cleaning up the flat in the morning, I went with the kids to the market place and Café Burts where the kick off of the campaign of the Greens was held. The general election is going to be held in March and in the region of North Savo we have a very exciting possibility to get a first Green representative to the national parliament. Our candidate Raimo Tuomainen is a wonderful person; he’s an academic who, at the same time, is very down to earth and easy to approach. He has been involved in the Greens for a long time but this is the first time he has stepped from the background to the spot light. And I’m very pleased he did. I myself was a candidate in the general election four years ago, and was asked last year again but I said no. And I’m so happy I said no and stuck to my point although many tried to talk me over. Raimo is so much better candidate than I ever would have been!
Raimo talked beautifully today about celebrating fatherhood, about new fatherhood and how much men are missing by working too hard when the children are young and how men are sometimes completely set aside from their families. I also think that he is a very good person to promote equality between the genders. With Mari Puoskari (a candidate in Helsinki who is also the chairwoman of Green Women whose board member I was 2005-2006) Raimo shared views about women’s euro (=80cents) and the glass roof women run against during their carriers.
But it’s not only equality that is important to Raimo. He also values highly art and culture.
So I think it’s better to vote a man who is aware of the gender inequalities than a woman who thinks all professional success is up to the individual’s talent and effort, no matter what you have between your legs.

So today was a confirmation for me. I’m not going to hesitate to give my vote to a man.