So, the date of my knee operation is confirmed. In less than a week it’s going to operated and I’ll finally know what kind of damage exactly happened in the third Acts of Clothing performance in November. I feel relieved but also a bit frightened. Depending what needs to be done in order to fix the knee, also determines the length of the recovering process.
The other really terrifying thing is that I have so much work to do and I don’t understand how will I be able to meet all the deadlines and complete all the mandatory work related things in just a few days before going into the surgery. Arghhh…

On Thursday I spoke in a seminar focusing on cultural management and producing cultural events In Jyväskylä. It was really inspiring and exciting and we had a very good conversation in the end. There were many students who study arts management and they were so sweet with their questions. Yesterday I also met Kaisa who will start working with me on ANTI Festival in April. I’m so much looking forward to that! I think we’ll make a good team.

Last week in Helsinki was also very very inspiring. It was simply great to be on the course focusing on international touring and look at the different requirements and aspects of it. I was also inspired by the many conversations among colleagues and it was great to sense the feeling of common concerns, aims and visions. The days were very full, besides the course I had arranged meetings with several collaborators and managed to see some work as well.
Iiris Autio, the managing director of Tero Saarinen company and Suzanne Bilodeau from Cinars:


Whilst in Helsinki, I also quickly popped in Asuna and in Minna Parikka’s boutique with Maija. And I didn’t buy anything! The shoes I fancied didn’t fit my foot at all and in Asuna the trousers I fell in love with were soooooo expensive that I managed to stay sane and keep my credit card in the wallet. Yesterday I visited the lovely Minzi store in Jyväskylä and didn’t buy anything either. They had some great shoes (but not the right size) and inspiring 2OR+YYAT clothes but they were not really my style. I wish they’ve had the new collection of Finsk shoes but they hadn’t arrived as yet… And that was probably very good as I won’t be able to wear super high heels for a while after the knee operation.
