Author Archives: Johanna

About Johanna

artist and curator

Melbourne day 3

Slept well, thanks to melatonin! Went to South Melbourne Market in the afternoon, really nice.
P1080109 P1080110 P1080111 P1080114Me and Terhi Pölkki shoes: P1080116 P1080119I love Melbourne! Bought this gorgeous Swords red wine at the South Melbourne Market in a returnable 3 AUD deposit bottle.
“These wine bottles are sanitized and refilled in our North Melbourne facility making them a environmentally friendly choice to drink from. When a bottle is returned to one of our retail stores or alternatively left out when we deliver your next order a $3 per bottle or $36 per case refund is credited to your account.” And every 10th bottle is free! P1080124P1080130

The afternoon was spent with emails & a skype meeting… Not really as I planned but I’m happy that I had a proper night’s sleep. Back to research and studio tomorrow.

In the evening I went to the city to ACMI to see Hello There, We’ve Been Waiting For You as part of the Next Wave Festival. P1080126 P1080127 P1080128 P1080131After the show, had a wonderful dinner with Angharad and Rajni. Thank you! Feeling happy and grateful.


Melbourne day 2

An early morning run/walk to St. Kilda. 11 km.
Strength training at the studio.
Alexander technique and stretching.
Music and a short improvisation.
Smoked salmon and feta salad.
Facetime with my son.
Fireplace lit.
Non-representational theory.
A sleeping pill.

After a rather restless and sleepless night I went for an early morning walk/run/jog around Albert Park and St. Kilda. It was windy and raining on and off but I really enjoyed it. I was carrying my camera, iPhone and keys.


greetings from Melbourne

So here I am, in Melbourne, Australia!
Clarendon St, South MelbourneMy journey Kuopio-Helsinki-Singapore-Melbourne went very well. I had a few hours in Helsinki and managed to briefly see my son who very kindly came to meet me at the airport. I had planned to buy him a hoverboard as a gift after researching the best one from but as time was not on my side, thus will be going back and ordering it from back home for him. I also purchased a few necessities…I always buy my cosmetic products duty free and Helsinki airport is actually a very good place both in terms of selection and price to do that. I was out of Chanel Mousse Douceur which is my absolute favourite cleanser so I got that and a new BB cream. I think I’ve only ever used one BB cream, can’t even remember the brand now, so I don’t have much experience of them. Recently I’ve been using either the Chanel CC cream or Armani Maestro and since I’m running out of my Maestro, I wanted a lighter foundation for the summer. So I got Guerlain’s Lingerie De Peau BB Cream and I must say that it feels pretty amazing…! It has a lovely coverage, it blends into skin beautifully, the finish is luminous and it has SPF30. I think this will be my number one product for the upcoming months!

The flight from Helsinki to Singapore was about 11 hours but I got some sleep and felt pretty ok at the Changi airport. It was my first time there, so it was great to be able to go outdoors. It was so strange to sit in the Cactus Garden – totally dark but hot and humid night. I also wanted to check some cosmetic items at Changi as some are available only in Asia – like the Chanel Jardin de Camelia exclusive spring 2014 collection. The Jardin Zen eye shadow collection was just so beautiful and perfect that I had to get that. I had also run out of blush… Unfortunately, the Sakura powder blush of the collection wasn’t available anymore but I got the Pink explosion, which is also a really beautiful shade. It’s a bit lighter and ‘pinkier’ than the Rose initial which I had previously. Nice for the summer, I think! And to accompany my new BB cream, I got Chanel’s Les Beiges Healthy glow sheer powder… So I’m all sorted at least for a year with my new BB cream, powder, blush and eye shadow! Great.

The flight from Singapore to Melbourne was just under 7 hours and also went pretty smoothly. I slept a little and watched a movie. My host Helen picked me up from the airport which was really nice as although I was feeling fine, I was and am quite tired. Helen drove me to my apartment in South Melbourne and showed me around a little bit. I’ve been settling in, had a nap (grrr, the building site next door….), a shower and a little walk in the neighborhood. Bought some food at the supermarket, had some Barracuda for dinner at Honey Bar and Restaurant on Clarendon St and now I will skype home and then go to bed!


So I’m about to travel to Australia…


Hectic weeks and days! I will be in residency in Australia for a month and have so much work and all kinds of stuff to complete before I travel! Starting from various ANTI Festival related things to tax papers, my son’s graduation party, research stuff, grant applications…and what does one need to pack for Melbourne in April-May??? C’mon! I don’t have anything to wear…

So over the Easter, I’ve been working on mine and Live Umbrella’s tax papers, doing laundry, packing winter clothes away and trying to find summer clothes from storage. And since my son’s graduation is in the end of May and I’m going to be away for a month right before (good timing!), we’ve been cleaning the house, planning the party from making guest lists to planning the menu and making checklists of what we need to buy, borrow and rent! Sounds like a huge party but really is not – but still there’s a lot to do.

Our Yorkie Pimu has probably an infection in her eyes so I’m taking her to vet on Wednesday…
pim 13 piPimu photographed by Pekka.

But I’ve enjoyed the days as well; being with the whole family, weather has been really nice & I’ve made some nice kale drinks, smoothies and cocktails…


Yllättäviä postauksia Seuraa minua – kävelykuunnelmasta

Yllättäen törmäsin internetin ihmeellisessä maailmassa blogipostaukseen Seuraa minua – kävelykuunnelmasta Jalkaisin-blogissa! Kiitos ajatuksista, kommenteista ja kuvista!

Samassa kävi ilmi, että Jalkanen on saanut vinkin teokseemme Hurmioitunut-blogista, jossa myös on postaus teoksesta. Ihan mahtavaa!!!

Harmi, etteivät nämä tulleet vastaan vuonna 2012, mutta parempi nyt kuin ei milloinkaan. Ihanaa kuulla, että ihmiset ovat löytäneet teoksemme, inspiroituneet siitä ja kokeneet sen kiinnostavaksi tavaksi kokea taidetta ja kaupunkia!


Network meeting in Milan

I’m part of the Space2 Destination project and the last meeting of the current network was last week in Milan. I’ve never visited Milan before so it was really inspiring to get to know the city a little bit, visit different areas and sites and of course to meet with my collegues. The meeting was organized during Uovo performing arts festival so I also saw performances each night.

An afternoon walk in the city centre around Duomo:

A visit to Museo delle Culture which is still being built and under construction. Can you see the Alvar Aalto shapes or is it just me?

Near the Liveinslums Headquarters:

A visit to HangarBicocca:
HangarBicocca‘s exhibition spaces were just insanely massive… Insane, indescribable…

Milan offered lovely risottos and pastas, amazing ice-cream, good wine and Spritz and of course the weather in Southern Europe is just really nice in the spring… And style… I’m not sure any city in the world can beat Milan!


beginning of my PhD

It was such a great experience to visit Zodiak in Helsinki with Map of Scars in February! Four beautiful performances, touching moments, tears, friends, lovely dinners and great talks. I’m always over optimistic about my time and energy and of course, I didn’t manage to do as many things as I had hoped. But I really enjoyed being a visiting artist at Zodiak and being in Helsinki… So thank you to our audience and to the Zodiak crew!

Since the beginning of March, I’m focusing on my PhD for the rest of the spring and working only part time. I’m really excited but also struggling a little bit to find a rhythm between reading, writing, ANTI work and my training. At the moment I’m reading theoretical background including Bruno Latour, Niklas Luhmanna and Nigel Thrift…



Map of Scars Zodiakin kevätkauden kick-off -illassa Helsingissä 23.1.2014

Osana Zodiakin kevätkauden kick-off -tilaisuutta nähdään Pirjo Yli-Maunulan ja Tuovi Rantasen duetto Johanna Tuukkasen teoksesta Map of Scars. Lisäksi Tuukkanen kertoo teoksesta ja sen työskentelyprosessista. Illan aikana esittäytyvät myös muut Zodiakin kevätkauden ohjelmistossa olevat taiteilijat. Vapaa pääsy! Lämpimästi tervetuloa!

23.1.2014 klo 19, Zodiak Stage, Helsinki

Happy New Year!

So it’s 2014 and I wish you all a happy new year!

As you have noticed, my blogging hasn’t been very active in 2013 and  there are several reasons for it and maybe some excuses as well. One obvious reason is that besides my full time artistic work and part time work at ANTI Festival, I was also studying. I completed an MA in Cultural Policy and begun a course on management and leadership. Basically, this has meant that all the possible time I’ve had at hand, I’ve had to use on my studies and not i.e. on blogging. And believe me, it was a tough year! But for a longer time, I’ve also been suffering from a conflict concerning the content of my blogging. I have so many kind of ‘confidential’ plans, ideas and things going on which I don’t really feel confident sharing which makes me uneasy and hesitant – which is not good for blogging. Anyway… thought I would like to share that, at least. However, things are not looking much easier at the moment. My CEO training course is still going on (should be completed in May!) and after my MA, I’ve also begun a PhD at the University of Jyväskylä. My research plan was accepted by the university and I received a three month kick off grant to begin my thesis. Hurray! This is soooo exciting and terrifying and something I absolutely never thought of in my life before. And that is great! To be doing or to find yourself doing something you never could have imagined before. Because it means that all kinds of things unimaginable NOW might be possible at some point of your life so you really don’t know where life takes you. And I find this thought rather soothing.

2014 marks a new beginning for me also in a way that my 3 year artist grant from the Arts Council of Finland ended in December 2013 and I’ve returned full time to ANTI Festival since January. I feel rather excited about that and want to develop several aspects of the job and the organization itself. One thing I definitely want focus and need to spend time with is networking and seeing more work, especially in Finland. So, besides having some meetings,  last week I spent a few days in Helsinki at the Lux Helsinki Festival that focuses on light art. And I must say that I was… a bit disappointed. I mean my overall experience which consisted of the Invisible Light light art symposium and all the works at the festival experienced during a guided walk provided by the festival (my guide was Kukka-Maaria) was OK but the works themselves I found rather mainstream, commercial, decorative and just too easy, beautiful and colorful. Somehow to me these kinds of works represent something that should always be present in a big city and artistically, there wasn’t really anything that interesting to me about them. So to call Lux Helsinki a festival on light art is a bit confusing to me. Of course, I do think it’s great that Lux Helsinki gets people to walk on the streets, be outdoors, experience works in the beginning of January outdoors – in terms of cultural policy and citizenship this is great and very important. But it doesn’t mean that it’s great art and that is my problem. Probably I enjoyed Jari Haanperä’s Fyr and Philipp Artus’s Snailtrail the most and the symposium was inspiring to further think about issues on light art in general. But would I travel to Helsinki just for Lux Helsinki – no. But if you are there, why not.

This January I will be in Helsinki every week attending meetings, events and networking. Feels great! During my Helsinki days I’m also looking forward to have a dinner at Boulevard Social and Patrona.

Will keep you posted!
