Summer & holiday (not for me)

Somehow I cannot stand this constant talk about summer and summer holiday. I know I’m doing it myself too but it feels it’s the only thing one should talk about in the summer. Whether you are on your summer holiday or about to start it, when it’s starting, is it almost over. Not many people realize that some people don’t have any job to have holiday from or that some people have to have many part time jobs that don’t allow a proper holiday or even a sense of it. Anyway, I’m a bit fed with all this talk about summer holiday. Actually, I don’t really know why one should be on holiday in the summer as for me it is much easier to wake up to go to work during the summer when it’s light compared to the Finnish winter. It’s also light around the clock, so even if you work during the day, it’s ok to go and exercise or do some other stuff in the evening whereas in the winter where I live, it’s pitch black before you even get home from work. So isn’t summer the best time to work? And winter, when it’s dark and cold and you feel tired and sleepy, isn’t that the best time to be on holiday, charge your batteries, travel somewhere warm or just stay at home, burn candles, sit by the fire place and sip tea?
So I’m not on holiday. I’m currently working on my new piece, dealing with ANTI Festival stuff, exercising with a personal trainer and dealing with a few other projects and things that need my attention. And it’s all fine.
