Author Archives: Johanna

About Johanna

artist and curator


This week’s recovery has gone up and down; some days I’ve been able to work out in the gym on an exercise bike or a cross trainer surprisingly well, up to 40 minutes, and on some days the knee has been very painful and one day I couldn’t even make it to the gym. I’m aware it’s not necessary to do so much weight training as I’ve done this week but I want to somehow compensate that I can’t do much of aerobic training. But I’m dying to see the orthopedist who operated the knee next Monday. I have so many questions for him! A few days ago I had forgotten to take my painkillers and I was optimistic thinking that maybe I don’t need them any longer. I was wrong. Yesterday my knee and inner thigh were aching so much that I just wanted to cry. So I’m back on my daily doses of 3x800mg burana Slow.
burana Slow

I’ve been out a few times without the crutches and it’s so scary. I’m not only terrified of slipping and falling but also someone pushing me (I’m walking very slowly). Today I went grocery shopping and an idiot drunken guy pushed me with his trolley. Not badly, but anyway. He was drunk and wasn’t at all concerned if he hurt me but instead, he said ‘Oops, that lady has such a wide bum’. I was so worried of him hurting me that I couldn’t think of anything to say to him. I don’t care what anyone thinks about my bum but I was left wondering what gives obviously a stupid, drunken, ugly Finnish guy the authority to comment on my bum in a supermarket? I mean, I don’t blurt ‘Oops, that guy has a such a beer belly’ or ‘Ooops, what a fat person on my way’ if I bump into someone with my trolley. I was just speechless.


slow recovery

This week the recovery has been very depressing, emotional and frustrating. I am making progress and that is great but it’s very slow and frustrating and annoying. Today I was out for the second time without the crutches. Yesterday I went to the super market without crutches (and bought hair pins!) and today went first for a walk and then to town. The walk was quite amazing as the day was really beautiful and sunny and not cold at all. So it was great to be out in the sun! But I had to walk very carefully to make sure I don’t slip and fall. Also the nerves in the knee don’t function very well yet so I felt I had this strange leg attached to me which didn’t obey the commands of my brain. A very weird feeling. I walked 3.5 kilometres which took 1 hour 10 minutes…!

In town I bumped into Jaana & Jaap Klevering. What a surprise! It was great to see them and have a coffee. I wanted to buy ‘What I talk about when I talk about running’ book by Haruki Marakami but of course I didn’t find it here. At the moment I feel so envious of people who can just go out and run! They don’t know how lucky they are.


scars & shoes

This week I’ve had a bit too much to do and too many responsibilities for someone who is still recovering from a surgery. So the knee has been very painful for a few days and more swollen than is was last week. It’s nothing too serious, I think, but it just reminds me that I should be taking it very easy at this point and it’s for a reason that I’m officially on sick leave. I’m quite fed up with the crutches and to try to take care of any matter with them is starting to get on my nerves. But it’s hopefully only another week with them and then I’ll see how I manage without… The metal ‘stitches’ were taken out on Wednesday and this is how my beautiful leg looks like now.


Today I was a bit adventurous and went to visit the Vero Moda store to see if they had the new ‘Very’ collection in Kuopio. Well, they had a few items but of course not the ones I was interested in. I got really fed up with Kuopio because it’s practically impossible to find the kind of shoes & clothes that I like here. Well, not completely impossible, but pretty much. I have no idea when I can wear high heel shoes again but luckily, the Finsk shoes I had ordered online arrived today. They are truly amazing, beautiful and feel very good on the foot. But, the right shoe feels a bit big and I’m a bit concerned about that. I have to try these beauties on again tomorrow and make up my mind whether I can wear them or do I have to return them – which I don’t want to do! What do you think? Should I keep or return them???

Thanks to these big shoe brands now even people who suffer from underpronation can get perfect fitting shoes instead of adjusting in the same old regular shoes.

Finsk 1

Finsk 2

Finsk 3

After the long grey socks I’ve gotten back to knitting. My daughter insisted that I knit these ‘leg warmers’ (have no idea how they are called in English) for her. She absolutely loves them and wears them day and night.



I’ve never knitted anything like this before but I had to try this when I saw the instruction in one magazine. They are very comfy!



I’m making sushi now and wishing you all a lovely weekend!




knee surgery

So finally, my left knee was operated last week. According to the surgeon, Hannu Miettinen, everything went very well. In the surgery, a ‘new’ ACL was reconstructed from my left thigh muscles. I was about two hours in anesthesia and one night in the hospital. I have one longer cut and 4 smaller ones around the knee and it’s been pretty painful. The knee has been all swollen, I’ve had to keep it up as much as possible and put ice on it several times a day. Next morning after the surgery, physiotherapist Paavo Parviainen gave me instructions for the upcoming weeks how to ‘exercise’ the knee. The exercises are very simple, small movements – but very painful to do after the surgery! The aim of the first two-three weeks is to be able to straighten the knee and to be able to bend it 90 degrees. It’s been a week from the surgery now and I’m pretty much able to do that, just not fully straighten the knee. But I hope I’ll get there soon. I’ll be walking at least a few more weeks with the crutches…

Here are a few images of my knee before the surgery, from MRI. I’m not an expert but you cannot see the ACL at all because it was completely detached.

Waiting for the surgery in lovely pink hospital trousers…
in the hospital

Here a couple of images taken during the surgery by Hannu Miettinen….
leikkaus 1 leikkaus 2 leikkaus 3 leikkaus 4 leikkaus 5

Going home…
in the hospital2

At home…keeping the knee up
after the surgery

Supporting letter from my daughter….


Opening the bandages three days after the surgery…

after the surgery2

after the surgery3

after the surgery4

after the surgery5

Seeing the metal ‘stitches’ for the first time….

after the surgery6

after the surgery6

At the moment the knee is less swollen than in those images but the ‘stitches’ are not taken out until next Wednesday.


So, the date of my knee operation is confirmed. In less than a week it’s going to operated and I’ll finally know what kind of damage exactly happened in the third Acts of Clothing performance in November. I feel relieved but also a bit frightened. Depending what needs to be done in order to fix the knee, also determines the length of the recovering process.
The other really terrifying thing is that I have so much work to do and I don’t understand how will I be able to meet all the deadlines and complete all the mandatory work related things in just a few days before going into the surgery. Arghhh…

On Thursday I spoke in a seminar focusing on cultural management and producing cultural events In Jyväskylä. It was really inspiring and exciting and we had a very good conversation in the end. There were many students who study arts management and they were so sweet with their questions. Yesterday I also met Kaisa who will start working with me on ANTI Festival in April. I’m so much looking forward to that! I think we’ll make a good team.

Last week in Helsinki was also very very inspiring. It was simply great to be on the course focusing on international touring and look at the different requirements and aspects of it. I was also inspired by the many conversations among colleagues and it was great to sense the feeling of common concerns, aims and visions. The days were very full, besides the course I had arranged meetings with several collaborators and managed to see some work as well.
Iiris Autio, the managing director of Tero Saarinen company and Suzanne Bilodeau from Cinars:


Whilst in Helsinki, I also quickly popped in Asuna and in Minna Parikka’s boutique with Maija. And I didn’t buy anything! The shoes I fancied didn’t fit my foot at all and in Asuna the trousers I fell in love with were soooooo expensive that I managed to stay sane and keep my credit card in the wallet. Yesterday I visited the lovely Minzi store in Jyväskylä and didn’t buy anything either. They had some great shoes (but not the right size) and inspiring 2OR+YYAT clothes but they were not really my style. I wish they’ve had the new collection of Finsk shoes but they hadn’t arrived as yet… And that was probably very good as I won’t be able to wear super high heels for a while after the knee operation.


unexpected shopping

Today I went to town to buy some food and wine with my son. We decided to have some coffee and hot chocolate in café Burts which is located in one of the shopping malls in the centre. I seriously didn’t plan to visit the best underwear store of the city but then thought I should pass by and then I thought I could have a look at the Marlies Dekkers undies. But when I saw that they had some Marlies Dekkers items on sale, I thought I have to try them on. So I came home with this gorgeous bra and underpants…
marlies dekkers

I finally hang some hooks in my dressing room and they are perfect for my Minna Parikka Maxine and Lumi Accessories handbags.



It’s been freezing cold today but very sunny and beautiful. I’m enjoying my almost free weekend and today we cooked lovely Japanese noodles, veggies and salmon in a wok. Delicious.


things are moving on

The knee issue moved on today when I called the insurance company and asked why I haven’t heard anything from them. Once more, I need to go and see an orthopedist – and this time it has to be on a private clinic that the insurance company collaborates with i.e. has a deal with. Strange. Anyway, I couldn’t get an appointment in Kuopio during the upcoming days so I’ll see on orthopedist on Monday in Helsinki. I’m there all next week on a course so I have some time for meetings, performances and exhibitions. I’m really looking forward to the course and also the possibility to see stuff & network. Exciting.

This week has been very busy as I’m not in the office next week. But things are moving on and I’m slowly settling down in to the new office – the only problem is that I actually need to work and don’t have much time to unpack and sort out stuff. Hope to have a good day tomorrow. 


I’ve tried to keep up my regular exercising regime but it’s really not working very well. In each training session, there are movements which the knee cannot support and it kind of collapses – and this is very painful. This also happened today in the worst possible way (and I wasn’t even training) and I fell very badly. The knee hurt so badly that I cried like a baby, lay on the floor and wept with ice on the knee. Not good. I’m so sick of not having heard again from the insurance company and this whole case is just dragging further and further.

I will call the insurance company tomorrow. I actually tried to call them today (before I had fallen) but didn’t reach the right person. If I’ve ever had any trust to any insurance company, I really don’t anymore.

My home ‘gym’…


Otherwise I’ve been busy working on ANTI Festival. The call out for ANTI Festival 2010 is now open so check it out if you are interested in applying.

Another interesting position is open in the Regional Dance Centre of Eastern Finland. More information in Finnish available here. 


socks etc.

Ok, I’ve now finished knitting the socks. Thanks again Aila for the inspiration! They feel nicely warm and I think I will wear them a lot with skirts and dresses.



As I went to buy the silk ribbon for the socks, I quickly had a look at the sales in a couple of shops. I fell in love with this woolen Benetton top which looks great with my grey Noolan skirt and the new socks I’ve knitted.


I’m getting back to the ANTI Festival work on Monday and we are moving our office next week to the Mylly, a site where a lot of artists and cultural organisations have moved since December. So we painted the office to make it look & feel like a place where it’s great to spend time every day…



Today I did a really intense workout in the gym & pool and wanted to reward myself with something. I went to Alko (Finnish alcohol monopoly) and I bought a bottle of this sparkling Australian wine I haven’t tasted as yet. But it does look gorgeous!


So yes, the holidays is almost over and I’m looking forward to getting back to work. There are a few things I haven’t gotten myself to do and I feel annoyed with myself but there are surprisingly many things that I’ve accomplished. So I feel confident that I will have the energy to do what I need to do….
