Author Archives: Johanna

About Johanna

artist and curator

On the way

At Stockholm Arlanda airport, on my way to Reykjavik, Iceland. Although it’s just afternoon, I’ve been traveling now for 9 hours and have a slight headache. I don’t know if it’s because of the short sleep or lack of coffee. And of course, I forgot my paracetamol at home.
I’m going to see some performances, exhibitions and have arranged meetings with people. I’m really looking forward to all that, and experiencing some of Iceland of course, but more importantly, I’m hoping this trip would somehow enlighten me in terms of my new work that I’m working on. As always, there isn’t enough money to do what I have set myself to do and I’m struggling where to cut. Drop one of the performers? The dramaturg? All the videos? I have already made a cut down budget but I somehow don’t know where to cut any more without changing the work completely.
So, I need to get a revelation concerning this matter and I’m hoping the time in Iceland would help me. I have of course packed my cameras and I’m open to get inspiration for my ongoing interest in the body/landscape.


Down with the flu

I was looking forward to a useful weekend but on Thursday I got a sore throat and I’ve been feeling really ill and bad all weekend. Great. I don’t know how I’m going to manage all the work I have to do next week as at this point I don’t even know if I can go to work tomorrow. That’s the biggest challenge when you work on your own; if you cannot do the job, no-one else will.
Anyway, I’ve been just resting, cooking and eating healthy food and trying to get better. We have TALKS & DEEDS coming up next Friday, Gregg will be in Kuopio, along with Davida Hewlett, Pilvi Porkola and Hanna Pajala-Assefa.
There would be so much to do and look forward to. Hope I’m better tomorrow.

See you all at T&D!


Hot days

We have been blessed – or cursed- by unusually warm and hot days. The children have had 4 days off and they have fully enjoyed the summer like weather including shorts, sandals, t-shirts and the like. We’ve also had exciting days watching the back yard slowly starting to turn from brown to green and some kind of green perennials pushing from he dirt, growing every day. Last autumn I planted some perennials, don’t really remember what they were. There were some tulips though and they are vigorously growing. It’s kind of amazing. I’ve never had a garden before and I don’t come from a family of gardening enthusiasts so this is all new and strange. But the kids are excited. It’s been almost too hot to work. We’ve done some work on the house though and I worked today setting up a place for the rhododendrons.
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Yesterday I felt really irritated and headed to the gym. It felt a bit ridiculous to work out in the gym when the weather was so great but I really needed it. This morning I went for a jog and ended up training for one and half hour. My calves are a bit achy now but otherwise I felt good and energetic. This was the first time I ran to Haapaniemi from our place via the Saaristokatu. And it was quite stunning. The road is not officially open yet but you actually can get all the way to town by it. The views are just beautiful and as the day was sunny, it was very idyllic. Saaristokatu will be such an incredible improvement for us and others who live in the neighbourhood. I’m already now looking forward to cycling and walking to the city centre. It’s also great for walking and jogging.
As I was a kind of super mom today, doing my exercise routine, cooking two delicious meals and being at home with the family, I was feeling guilty of not getting to do some work I wanted and needed to do. Well, I guess I’ll be more focused on that tomorrow but it’s so hard for me to relax when I know I have work waiting that could be doing now. This is silly, I know, but I cannot help it.
Luckily, in rained in the evening and now it seems a storm is approaching. The shower was needed and very welcome. And after it, an enormous rainbow. The image by Pekka.

Last week I found out I didn’t get more production funding for my new group piece so I have to see how I manage to produce the work with the existing funding. Not easy. If at all possible. Will have to see.

Hope you are well,


The site has been down due to unknown problems with the hosting company. I’m sorry if this has prevented you from finding what you were looking for!



I’m talking about ANTI Festival’s experiences of being involved in an international EU-project application in a seminar on Thursday the 24th of April organized by CIMO and the regional arts council of North Savo. You are warmly welcome! See the whole programme (in Finnish) here kutsu_kuopio240408.pdf and note that you should register today if you are intending to participate. The seminar is free.


Sleepy days

I performed with Jaana & Jaap I don’t have anything to wear on Friday in Helsinki. Since then, I’ve been somehow really tired. I don’t know why I’m never able to estimate the amount of work and exhaustion caused by traveling, warming up a performance and working it out in another language, staying in some B&B or cheap hotel and in the end, performing? Yesterday I was determined to go to the gym after grocery shopping. But while I was in the supermarket trying to get my head together about what to buy and cook, I realised I was so tired that it didn’t make sense to force myself to exercise. And this really wasn’t about feeling lazy, just for once understanding that I actually was exhausted. But today I hit the gym, enjoyed my work out and although I feel good, I’m nowhere near recovered.
The performance went well although it was the first time we performed it in English and that caused some mixed feelings. But we got some very positive feedback so I guess we managed ok in the end. It would be just really important to perform the work more in English and of course, just to perform it more in general. We actually will perform in about a week again here in Kuopio, so that’s really good. As the work somehow deals with the pressures of looking good and success as well as the ridiculousness of it all, and as we constantly talk in it about good fats, body balance, styling, the appearance, trying to find something comfortable to wear etc., the work can easily pull you to the world of never feeling satisfied about yourself and the mundane reality of living with the imperfect aging body…
Next week seems really busy, lots of work to do and most of it is exciting. I’m planning to hold an audition for my new performance in the end of May or early June. At the moment I’m waiting to hear about one more grant as the budget of the work of course determines the amount of performers, length of rehearsals etc. in the end. So let’s see what happens with that.
Although my days in Helsinki were extremely busy, I ate with Jaana everyday in Silvoplee. It was just amazing to eat really good reasonably priced vegeterian food everyday. And what a variety of beautiful dishes they have! That, amongst others, is something I miss in Kuopio. But I made today a delicious salad with tofu, avocado and sesame seeds.


Proud to be a Finn

I know there’s talk and writing about Ilkka Kanerva going on everywhere, but since I’m in Stavanger at the moment, I couldn’t help but notice the scandal on the front page of Vardens gang today. Oh boy.



TouWorks 1 starting today!

TW1 project is kicking off today in Stavanger, Norway. Our artists from Argentina, UK, Norway and Germany will be working for 10 days along Pedersgata to develope work that will be shown in June. We are having a dinner together every night and today I’m making the dinner with Anne-Marte for everyone. We’ll hope it’s going to be nice! We also have a little wine tasting tonight so that should be quite nice, too.

It’s beautifully snowy and sunny in Stavanger today and I’m so excited about finally seeing all the artists and getting to work with them.


the latest column… in Finnish

Viimeinen kanto

Isoisäni haudattiin viime viikolla. Hautajaisia järjesteltäessä äidilläni ja tädilläni nousi jossain vaiheessa huoli, että löytyykö pienestä suvustamme tarpeeksi arkun kantajia. Puhelimessa äitini luetteli kantajiksi suunniteltuja miehiä, poikalapsia isoisälläni kun oli vain yksi. Minä ihmettelin ääneen, että mitä varten arkkua tulevat kantamaan lastenlasten –jotka nekin sattuvat kaikki olemaan tyttöjä – puolisot, joista osa ei tuntenut isoisääni käytännössä lainkaan? Olen kuullut useamman ihmisen kertovan, kuinka hieno ja ehkä vapauttavakin kokemus on ollut kantaa ja laskea oma vanhempi haudan lepoon. Mikseivät siis äitini ja tätini osallistuisi arkun kantamiseen? Äitini tyrmäsi ehdotuksen tokaisemalla: Ei se ole normaalia!
Tämä jäi mietityttämään. Miksi minulta on mennyt totaalisesti ohi tämmöinen tapa, sääntö vai onko se peräti laki? Kuinka pitkälle nainen vaietkoon seurakunnassa -perinne oikein ulottuukaan? Sain kuulla, että tapana on kutsua vaikka naapurin miehiä arkun kantoon, jos ei niitä omasta suvusta löydy. Minusta tämä vaikuttaa oudolta. Helsingin seurakuntayhtymän nettisivuilta löysin kuitenkin tiedon, jossa sanotaan, ettei mikään periaatteessa estä naisiakin olemasta arkun kantajina. Hyvä tietää. Mutta jos periaatteessa esteitä ei ole, niin mikä on se henkinen ja kulttuurinen ilmapiiri, joka estää edes ajattelemasta moista vaihtoehtoa?

Asiaa selvittäessäni sain tietää myös lompakossa pidettävästä Tahdon siviilihautajaiset –hautausohjekortista sekä sitä täydentävästä hautajaisten tarkempia ohjeita sisältävästä lomakkeesta. Kätevää. Vihdoinkin keino välttyä piinaavilta virren venytyksiltä ainakin omissa hautajaisissaan! Samalla voi myös pohtia haluaako arkkuhautauksen, tulla tuhkatuksi vai jättää sen omaisten päätettäväksi. Omaa lomakettani en ole vielä täyttänyt, mutta olen ajatellut, että ehkä voisin velvoittaa suvun naiset – riippuen ketkä ovat hengissä – arkun tai uurnan kantoon, joku voisi vaikkapa laulaa tilaisuuteen sopivan Madonnan biisin ja pateettiset värssyt voisin ehkä kokonaan kieltää. Tai ehkä jätän kaiken omaisten ja ystävien harkittavaksi, jotka sitten sen ajan kulttuurisen ilmapiirin rajoissa ja kuolemani luonteen huomioonottaen tekevät päätöksensä tilaisuuden yksityiskohdista. Eihän sitä koskaan tiedä milloin lähtö tulee.

Johanna Tuukkanen


Been training intensively in the gym of nearby swimming hall. I’m surprised how good and quite easy it has felt. I got fed up with the icy roads and skipping Nordic walking because of that some weeks ago. I’ve been training in gyms in the past a lot but I’ve always reached a point where I just get bored and yes, there are times when it feels ridiculous to sweat in a cross trainer of a gym as supposed to walking outside or doing ashtanga where also the mind gets a different kind of exercise. Well, I try to avoid the boredum this time and I’m sure I will be doing more Nordic walking and cycling when the roads are clear from ice again. A good thing about the gym in a swimming hall is the fact that you can also go swimming or water running if the gym doesn’t attract anymore. Additionally, if you’re in need of maintenance or repairs for your equipment, the gym equipment services are readily available. Speaking of gyms, I’ve noticed that many are now using commercial gym flooring, which makes a significant difference in comfort and safety during workouts. If you are considering a change in your routine or equipment, exploring options like gym equipment rental could provide a fresh and flexible approach to your fitness regimen. Some of my friends work with personal trainers but I don’t really know them here in Kuopio and the ones I’ve asked more information about are just sooooo expensive it’s ridiculous. So if you know a good and reasonably priced personal trainer in Kuopio, let me know! But at the moment I’m trying to keep up exercising on my own and I must say, I do enjoy working out alone. Great time to think, get inspired by music and focus on the body. I have to admit that I can get a bit annoyed with the groups of middle-aged women chatting away at the gym more than exercising…. I know, I’m way too serious with this – amongst other things. And when it comes to maintaining the flooring for your workouts, you can rely on the expertise of the Gym Flooring Experts.
My grandfather’s funeral is on Saturday and we are probably heading North on Wednesday or so. Last night I talked with my mom about the funeral arrangements and she was concerned if there will be enough men carrying the coffin (it will be a Lutheran ceremony). I said to her that why don’t you and my aunt carry the coffin as well and she just said with disrespect that it is not normal (for women to carry the coffin)! I was really shocked by this. I talked to my partner as I remember him talking about how brave he felt carrying the coffin of his father and how that experience made him really independent and strong. So reflecting on his emotions of his father’s funeral, I thought why not the same emotionally important experience should belong to daughters as well. But my partner confirmed that no, it’s only men who carry the coffin. And if there are not enough men in the family, even neighbors can be invited just to carry the coffin. I don’t know why I have managed to miss that piece of information or cultural knowledge completely?
My partner has gone ice fishing with a neighbor, my son traveled to his grandparents today (it’s a skiing holiday here at the moment) and my daughter is asleep. I’m quietly upstairs, purple tulips are on the table and I just listened to the upcoming single 4 minutes to save the world by Madonna.

Hope you are well,
