
The children are in school and daycare, I didn’t need to rush anywhere this morning, it’s quiet and I have time to think. Isn’t that unusual?
I realize I’m left wondering about one article by Janne Saarakkala I read the other day on a bus. The article has appeared in a new Finnish magazine called Esitys (Performance) and it’s titled Ajattelemisen poliittisuudesta (’About the political nature of thinking’, my translation). It was really inspiring and reminded me how and maybe why thinking is not encourage in our society, how straining and difficult thinking is and how it takes time – which we don’t have. Or do we? Could we?
Anyway, as I’m sitting here, thank god away from Facebook, I cannot but enjoy the quietness, the space before going into the studio, a time that is not fulfilled by tasks I need to urgently complete. Just being here. I know there are million things I need to do and could be doing them as well, but there will be a time for those as well. They don’t need to be here and now. Is it possible to relax now and enjoy the moment, knowing that there are unfinished issues that need to be addressed? I believe so. And to celebrate this thought a little bit more, I’m going to take a walk in the woods now.

Hope you can take the time, too.
