Copenhagen & PSI

I’m off to Copenhagen tomorrow morning. I’m performing at the PSI # 14 conference on Friday and on Saturday we have a panel about the ANTI Festival. Hope to see you all there!
Lately things have just been crazy with work –my own and with ANTI Festival. Couple of days ago I was in town getting things I need for my performance and needed to buy a shimmering body lotion from the Body Shop. Well, this is not the season for their strong smelling shimmering body lotions and I was getting really worried in the shop as I need the lotion in the performance. Then the owner asked if I need the lotion for a performance (she must have recognized me) and I said YES! Then she went through the storage and found a tester of shimmering body lotion smelling of cinnamon -from the last season. Great! She gave it to me for free and I was so happy. Not just because I got for free but because she saved the show! So thank you so much, the lady in the Body Shop of Kuopio.
My trip to Copenhagen is supported by the city of Kuopio, so thank you Pekka Vähäkangas & Hanna-Mari Kokkonen for that.
