
Embarrassingly infrequent blog posts sent on my behalf lately. Sorry.
I have been extremely busy preparing for my new piece, urgently sorting out ANTI Festival’s business as our 5-year long EU project ‘A Space for Live Art’ has finally been accepted by the European Commission and being on the move i.e. in Copenhagen, which was great by the way. I’ve also noticed that I’m really liking updating my Twitter at the moment, not so much the blog itself. Strange. I guess I should also confess that I have another blog in Finnish that I’m updating every day. Why is this? One thing I’ve realized is that I’m a bit careful what to write here because I write this under my own name. In the other blog, I haven’t revealed my identity and therefore can be a bit more honest about certain thoughts and things that are going on in my life. But this is not the main issue, I think. In the other blog, I have gotten a lot of blog friends and received many comments daily and that is kind of inspiring and just nice. Although this blog and site has quite a few visitors, there aren’t that many people commenting. Maybe comments and blog friends are addictive…
Last week a friend turned 30. What a nice party we had, and emotional! I cannot remember when I last cried in a party because people where really opening their hearts and being straightforward. But I also cried because I realized I’m very anxious, sad and worried. Maybe you Finnish artists know why… We also had a great party on Saturday; great food, wine and friends. Lovely.
Next week I’m off to London which I’m so much looking forward to. More about that later. First I have to get rid of this flue that is bothering me and the kids.

Hope to read your comments. Whatever they are!
