Acts of Clothing premiere approaching…

Marcia is arriving tomorrow and I’m so much looking forward to discussing the final questions, issues, concerns and details that I have about my upcoming Acts of Clothing performance. And I’m so delighted to get Marcia to spend a couple of weeks in Kuopio – at least some light in the otherwise grey November! I’m so grateful, happy and blessed about our collaboration and in fact, I think it has saved me from depression and got me going all through the autumn.
So here we are. I have a radio interview tomorrow morning, then I’m teaching in the evening and Saturday all day. I’m showing my performance for Marcia for the first time on Saturday morning and I’m so excited to hear what she says. And also scared. My live art students will be there, too. On Sunday we’ll be working on the lights, the catwalk and stuff like that. And on Monday morning we have a press conference together.
Marcia is bringing along her famous flamenco dress, 12 Shooters film and a booklet about the Acts of Clothing which will be published on the occasion of my Acts of Clothing. Marcia might appear as a very special guest in my performances –we’ll see.

I very much hope to see you in the shows.


acts of clothing 2

2 thoughts on “Acts of Clothing premiere approaching…

  1. Mari Saavalainen

    Kiitos Johanna! Esityksesi oli hieno ja siitä lähti syntymään ajatuksia, miten voisi tutkia omaa historiaansa vaikkapa ystävien kanssa.
    Lauantai-iltana kerroin, että esityksestäsi tuli mieleeni Anne Sextonin runo Vaatetus. Siihen runoon on linkki tässä: . Runo löytyy suomeksi mm. kirjasta Maailman runosydän (WSOY, 1998)

    Käy lukemassa!

    t. Mari

  2. Johanna Post author

    Kiitos kommentista Mari ja kiitos kun olit katsomassa eistystä. Runo on hieno, ei ole minulle tuttu runoilija entuudestaan, joten kiitos linkistä ja vinkistä. Minulle esitykset ovat juuri parhaimmillaan uusien, omien ajatusten mahdollistajia ja rikastajia. Laittakaa oma Acts of Clothing pystyyn!

    T. Johanna

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