in Kokko1721 residency

I spent four days at the Kokko1721 residency in Kangasniemi in the end of July. I was invited by the owners of the farm, Jukka and Saila and their son Roope. As part of the residency, I contributed to a video diary creating a performance in response to the site, the place and the activities there – being there, sensing and feeling the site and my own body in there. I do not have photos of the actual work I created but it turned out  to be very feminine, sensual, sensory…almost dream like and I did it in a greenhouse.

Here are some pictures from the farm and of some activities there….
I slept in ‘aitta’, a log house without electricity – what a great place to sleep in the summer. Cool and dark!

Performance material…

Strawberry pie…


I had a great time. Very inspiring. Thank you.
