Author Archives: Johanna

About Johanna

artist and curator

Lot’s of stuff and all the rest

It feels I haven’t been here for ages. There seems to be so much to do all the time and I sometimes feel I’m drowning into my work load as the work is not getting any less no matter how much I work. There’s always more to do, something to be done better, and better. And better. And if I don’t have any more work to do, there’s always more yoga to be practiced.
Last days have been mad as my computer crashed a week ago. So the Easter holidays I spent in panic and having nightmares about not surviving this busy week as all my ‘stuff’ is the computer. But not only the stuff, but all the emails, the appointments, my calendar… But luckily, Andrei from Humac was able to bring my MacBook back to alive which really saved me from further nightmare. Now my computer not only works but is also better with more RAM! Great.
Seppo from the Arts Council of Finland called me today saying that I cannot apply an artist grant directly from the Arts Council, which I had done. My work often falls into the category of ‘the rest’ and I thought I can apply from them like I do with project funding applications. Well, it doesn’t work that way. One has to apply from a certain council that are visual arts, film, music, literature, dance, design, theatre, architecture and photography. So which box to tick? That’s a question. Only the critics apply directly from the Arts Council of Finland. But what about us, the rest?
I have decided to keep an audition for my group piece in May. I’ve had difficulties with deciding whom to ask to be part of the project and Anniina has convinced me to keep an audition. I’m looking for three female performers who would be strong individuals willing to show their weaknesses, fears, bodies, minds…
Last week with Gregg we went to meet the director of cultural affairs of Kuopio, Pekka Vähäkangas, and he said we should also meet some of the politicians. Gregg is coming over again today and I’ve been arranging all these meetings for us. Well, tomorrow we first hold the TALKS & DEEDS event, we both teach workshops in the mornings and early afternoon and then later in the afternoon we’ll have the public event at the city library of Kuopio. On Saturday there are some press interviews and on Monday we’ll keep this presentation to group leaders of Kuopio’s political parties. Then on Tuesday we’ll meet the head of the Music and Dance Academy to discuss collaboration. And we should also have time to complete the programme of the ANTI Festival 2007 with budgets etc. So a lot to do over the next few days!
I postponed my tax paper’s return date two weeks ago which means that the new deadline is now on Monday. Shit! My tax papers are pretty complicated to do so again I’m facing long nights going through piles of receipts.
Is this ever going to get any better?

The latest column

Kiitän teknologiaa

En osannut kuvitella kuinka elämääni pystyisi järkyttämään tietokoneen kaatuminen. Ensinnäkin siksi, ettei yksikään koneeni ole koskaan aiemmin kaatunut ja toiseksi, en ole koskaan pysähtynyt miettimään kuinka perin juurin olen siitä riippuvainen. Itselleni selitän tätä sillä, että nykyinen kannettava tietokoneeni on kerta kaikkiaan niin mahtava, että minun on mahdollista antautua sen varaan yhä enemmän. Tein juuri ennen Pääsiäispyhiä tietokoneeni järjestelmäpäivityksiä eikä koneeni enää vironnut sammuttamisen jälkeen. Kokeilin kaikki manuaaleissa neuvotut keinot koneen herättämiseksi, tuloksetta. Menetin yöunet, kun pikku hiljaa minulle alkoi valjeta, että tulevasta työviikosta olisi mahdoton selvitä ilman koneen syövereissä sijaitsevia tiedostojani. Seuraavana aamuna soitin päivystysnumeroon, jossa Patrik ystävällisesti neuvoi, miten saisin koneeni taas hereille. Seurasin ohjeita, mutta koneeni ei reagoinut.
Seuraavaksi vatsani kääntyi ympäri, kun tajusin, että kaikki tulevat tapaamiset ja deadlinet ovat kalenterissani, jonka myös olen siirtänyt koneelleni. Milloin piti lähettää vastaukset EU-hanketta varten Brysseliin? Milloin olikaan lento Stavangeriin? Entä moneltako tapaaminen tiistaina? Neljä päivää ja yötä elin paniikin partaalla, kun mietin mitä kaikkea joutuisin selvittämään, että ylipäätään saisin kerättyä kokoon viikon kalenterini puhumattakaan kaikesta tiedosta, joka ei ollutkaan sekunneissa saatavillani. Tietokonekonsultaatiota minulle antava ystäväni lohdutti, että kaikki on edelleen varmasti tallessa koneellani. En siis päästänyt valloilleen ahdistusta tiedostojen tuhoutumisesta. Sen sijaan pyhät valmistelin mielessäni selityksiä, miksen ole saanut hoidettua asioita aikataulussa tai miksi luentoni on tynkä.
Tiistaiaamuna säntäsin tietokoneliikkeeseen ja selitin mitä oli tapahtunut. Ystävällinen myyjä kertoi, ettei FirmwareRestorationCD:llä ole saatu yhtään konetta tokenemaan, mutta se on ainoa mitä voimme kokeilla. Muuten kone lähtisi huoltoon Helsinkiin. Aluksi CD ei tuntunut toimivan, mutta kuin ihmeen kautta, kuului pitkä ääni ja kone virkosi! En ole aikoihin ollut yhtä onnellinen. Yhtäkkiä huolet kaikkosivat, kun ihanainen pikku koneeni oli elossa. Päästyäni tervehtyneen koneeni kanssa ulos, hypin ja kiljuin onnesta. Elämä on taas raiteillaan. Kiitos teknologia.

Johanna Tuukkanen

Inspiring days

Gregg was over for five days and we had really good discussions, lots of work with the applications for the ANTI –festival and some important meetings. It was really good to got through a lot of stuff with Gregg, introduce him to people and have the meetings. So again, I’m very excited about the festival and all the possible possibilities!
The gig with I don’t have anything to wear in Joensuu went really well; the show was just hilarious. It seems the audience there is very receptive and much more relaxed than here. It’s always such a pleasure to perform there. I have very warm memories of premiering Milk in Joensuu as well as performing Mutation. We also managed to have a little premiere party we failed to keep here because of the yoga course we were on.
Besides working with Gregg over the weekend, I also had to finish two major grant applications. I also was supposed return my tax papers today and I had to call the tax office last week to get more time to do it. My tax papers are quite complicated and it takes definitely more than two whole days to complete them. So that’s ahead of me…I also feel a bit guilty for working too much without any days off. My children miss me a lot and call me to work crying. So I’m really looking forward to having a few days off over the Easter although my son is planning to visit his grandparents. I also haven’t been over to the Blue House for ages, it seems…
I’m at the moment working on two new projects and thinking about the schedules and crew and all kinds of things. It’s exciting but at the same time it’s a bit crazy to just finish one big piece of work and immediately dash into the next one. Year after year.

Take care, Johanna

Performance in Joensuu on Wednesday

I’m off to Joensuu to perform Mulla ei oo mitään päälle pantavaa with Jaana and Jaap on Wednesday. We’ll perform in Taidekeskus Ahjo, Koksi-sali at 7 pm, in case you want to see the work.

Photographs by Pekka Mäkinen.

It seems I have a million things to do before that and somehow the work is not getting any less by working… And then there are yearly nightmares like the tax papers and grant applications for the arts council of Finland to be sent in by the end of the month. And just to make sure I’m very busy, right after I come back from Joensuu on Thursday afternoon, Gregg arrives in Kuopio at 6 pm. I’m really looking forward to this all, but I don’t understand why everything needs to always happen at the same time? The week is going to be extremely busy so you might not hear more of me this week.
I spent some time today at the Blue House meeting our electrician and plumber. I also ordered the outside wood panel for the house as well as some birch veneer plywood to the ceiling and one wall upstairs.
The weather has been incredibly sunny, warm and beautiful. The snow has melted away really fast and we are very optimistic to get to work on the outside panelling of the Blue House in April or May.

Hope to see you Joensuu on Wednesday. I’m off to bed now.

Busy day at the office + acupuncture hangover

Lot’s to think about. Have been in touch with the ministry of foreign affairs about inviting some foreign guests to ANTI –festival and got for a change quite excited about the possibilities. It would be so great if we could invite a couple of international editors and a few directors and curators to the next festival and highlight the international position of ANTI. I had a Skype session with Gregg and as usual, it felt really good to go through things with him. His visiting Kuopio next week and I’m so much looking forward to planning the festival and going through the applications with him. The association behind the festival has its annual meeting next week and today two new members joined our association, hurray!
Last night I was totally wiped out by the acupuncture treatment. I had to go to bed at something like 7.30 pm and I woke up when Pekka came home from work after 9 pm. The treatment was really good; it’s pretty amazing how you can feel your meridians running down the spine, across the back, from the neck down to the arm etc. Jori did also some cupping to me and the marks on my back are pretty intense… I’ve felt much better with my shoulder and neck today but I ended up doing too much cleaning and household stuff tonight. And that was because it turned out that my daughter has pinworms! Disgusting. They have had them in her day care but I have never ever had them in my family before. So I had to buy the medicine for all of us and wash all bed linen, towels, toys, bathroom…well, I might be overreacting a bit but I truly find it horrifying. Pinworms are very common, apparently, but I’m definitely shocked and upset.
I’m planning to work at the Blue House tomorrow, there are a few things that need to be sorted out and decided soon. Some work needs to be done as well but I’m not going to sit by the computer all day.

Hope you are well.


yoga, performances, dreams of India

Mulla ei oo mitään päälle pantavaa performances last week went really well, they were all full and the audience seemed to like the piece a lot. It feels really good to continue next week in Joensuu, then later in May in Helsinki and in June again here in Kuopio. The piece is really fun to perform, it’s challenging and the dialogue between me, Jaana, the live sound and the audience shapes the work differently every time.

I didn’t really have a chance to celebrate the premiere as at the same time I was on a yoga course and had to wake up early each morning. Anne’s course was once again really good and I felt such peace and bliss to practice with her. I have now recovered from the sciatic nerve pain that I suffered from all autumn and it’s been such a pleasure to practice the primary series as a whole. I talked with Anne about her last visit to Mysore and got so inspired to travel to India that I’ve been constantly thinking about my possibilities to make the trip. It would be so important for me to go but I have the family to take care and think about. So I haven’t made any reservations yet. But the idea of spending a month in Mysore, to focus on the practice and to develop my work in a different environment is all I dream about at the moment.

I had some meetings today and I talked about Savon Sanomat newspaper’s politics of not writing about dance and about having more freelance dance artists on the board of the regional dance centre. I also couldn’t help but wonder how from all the artistic board members only one person came to see my latest work and none of them were in any way sorry or bothered that they didn’t come to see it. I must say this does bother me although we had plenty of people in the audience, so it’s not about missing an audience but just curiosity about whom the work attracts. It’s interesting. And a bit sad.

Since my sciatic nerve is better now, I’ve had some strange things going on in my neck. So I have an acupuncture treatment tomorrow that I really look forward to.


Mulla ei oo mitään päälle pantavaa –premiere next week


There’s been pretty good publicity about the upcoming I don’t have anything to wear performances. There have been articles about the work with images in Savon Sanomat (10.3.) and Viikko-Savo (10.3.) and some radio stations were interested in it but I’m not sure if they have broadcasted anything as I haven’t had time to listen to the radio. But as I was in town today there were many people saying that they are coming to see the work so the best way to make sure that you get to see it, is to make a reservation! The gallery space is limited so once it’s full it’s full. So yes, email or call me to make a reservation.
The rehearsals with Jaana went very well as usual, and I’m blessed to work with her. The piece lasts about an hour, maybe a little more but it’s difficult to say at the moment as we have not been physically working in the gallery yet. The space there is just beautiful and it’s quite an unusual space so it’s a bit of a mystery to see how we will fit in there with our clothes, props, Jaap’s sound system, Kaisa’s exhibition and our audience! And oh god what will the audience think as they’ll watch us constantly talking about what to wear, wondering how to look convincing, how to appear professional, how to look taller and thinner and younger and especially when they see us pretending to do yoga in bras and fishnet tights!
Well, we think it’s fun and contradicting and pointing out the superficiality of it all. Let’s see if our audience agrees.
Photographs: Pekka Mäkinen

My latest column was published in the Kuopion Kaupunkilehti on the internationl Women’s Day on the 8th of March and here it is (in Finnish) if you didn’t get the paper itself:

“Voiko feministi äänestää miestä?

8.3. vietetään kansainvälistä naisten päivää, 18.3. ovat eduskuntavaalit ja 19.3. on valtakunnallinen liputuspäivä Minna Canthin ja tasa-arvon kunniaksi. Kotiin jaettuja, varsin miehisiä vaalimainoksia selatessa ei ihan heti tule sellainen olo että monetkaan ehdokkaat olisivat kovinkaan perehtyneitä sukupuolen politiikkaan, pitäisivät tasa-arvoa keskeisimpänä keinona kohti parempaa Pohjois-Savoa saatikka julistautuisivat feministeiksi. Vaalilauseet julistavat mm. ”Vahva viitostien vaikuttaja” (Markku Eestilä), ”Miksi vähäosaiset unohdettiin?” (Kari Kärkkäinen), ”Rehellisesti ja rohkeasti” (Kari Rajamäki), ”Ihmiselle hyvä” (Pentti Oinonen), ”Monien mahdollisuuksien Panu eduskuntaan” (Panu Hiekkala), ”Oikea työväenmies vasemmalta” (Matti Semi), ”Kun uskomme itseemme, muutkin uskovat meihin” (Ossi Martikainen) ja niin edelleen. Siis mitä?! Tyhjää täynnä.
Joitakin viikkoja sitten kävimme feministiystävieni kanssa kuvauttamassa itsemme kirjastolla Megafån -taiteilijaryhmän Feministitapettiin. Kirjastolla pyöri lähinnä nuoria naisia sekä joitakin lapsiperheitä, mutta myös yksi kansanedustajaehdokasmies kävi itsensä kuvauttamassa! Hän oli Raimo Tuomainen, joka myös vaalilehdessään tunnustautuu feministiksi muistuttaen meitä Suomessa vallitsevasta näennäisestä tasa-arvosta, jossa esimerkiksi naisen euro on 80 senttiä ja vanhemmuuden kustannukset ovat naisten työnantajien vastuulla, mikä johtaa helposti nuorten naisten syrjimiseen työhönottotilanteissa. Tuomainen puhuu myös isyyden juhlistamisesta ja on erittäin huolestunut miesten ja isien syrjäytymisestä omista perheistään.
Olen tottunut äänestämään nuoria naisia, joita ei totisesti eduskunnassa tai politiikassa ylipäätään ole yhtään liikaa. Uskon kuitenkin, että on parempi äänestää sukupuolipoliittisesti valveutunutta feministimiestä kuin naista, joka uskoo että ammatillinen menestyminen on kiinni vain yksilön lahjakkuudesta ja ahkeruudesta, riippumatta jalkovälin varustuksesta. Vielä neljä vuotta sitten ei Pohjois-Savossa ollut edes naisen trendikästä käyttää f-sanaa julkisesti ainakaan eduskuntavaalien yhteydessä. Valituksihan tulikin 9 miestä ja yksi nainen! Vaikka aina ei jaksa uskoa huomiseen, niin pakko on sanoa, että jotakin positiivista on täytynyt tapahtua kun ehdokkaana on ainakin yksi feministi – olkoonkin mies.”

And what I picked up from the atmosphere at the Kuopio market square today, it seems that Raimo is well on his way to the Finnish parliament. Hurray!

Hope you are all well and hope to see you in the performances next week!

Moving towards performances

Last week was just too busy with grant deadlines, board meetings, ANTI –festival’s call for proposals closing etc. In the eastern and northern Finland this week is a winter holiday, or skiing holiday as we say in Finnish. And I’ve figured that all normal people are on holiday, not at their offices replying to emails or answering phone calls. It seems that only artists and unofficial cultural passionates work no matter what. Luckily, I was able to get the key to rehearsal studios today even though the person from whom I usually get the key was, of course, on holiday -and not only this week, but since last Thursday when I tried to contact her.
But yes, Jaana is coming to Kuopio today and we’ll work all the way until the performances pretty intensively. I still have to buy a pair of trousers and a few pairs of stockings for the performances. And there’s still a lot of details to be worked on; when exactly to change clothes, when to put on the stockings, where to place the laptop after the lecture etc. Also Jaap Klevering has been designing the soundscape for the piece and it all is going to be exciting to finally to get into the space and to work with the sound as well. So yes, I’m really looking forward to it all! But then again, I think about the performances as a process, evolving from one to the next, so I see them constantly changing and developing based on our experiences.

photograph: Pekka Mäkinen

We just got the I don’t have anything to wear brochure from the print so today I’m doing some posting and delivering. I had forgotten the deadline of my column so I had to finish it in a hurry this morning. And I also got a cramp in my neck! This always happens to me before performances…or at least during the last few years it’s always been the case. Well, I hope the yoga and arnica will help and if not, I might have to call my acupuncturist to help.


Too much work

The last weeks have been a bit too busy. With the ANTI –festival, our call for proposals is finishing today and you might be able to imagine the amount of inquiries and proposals that has been coming in. It’s exciting, yes, but sure keeps me busy!
I also haven’t had any free days as I was rehearsing with Jaana for the whole weekend. I’ve been writing grant applications, planning the TALKS and DEEDS programme for April with Gregg and dealing with ANTI’s call for proposals plus all legal stuff that has to do with running an association.

I don’t have anything to wear –performance brochure went to print last night and I’m pretty pleased with it. It’s going to be out next week.

Silja from the Domus kitchens sent me a few images of our kitchen today. So you have to imagine this


To this space.

I must say I really look forward to cooking in this kitchen. I don’t know about you, but for me it’s as close as can be to the idea of a simple, yet strong and characteristic kitchen that fits to the Blue House.So in the middle of the busy day it was so refreshing to get a few pics from our future kitchen.
Recently, I have tried to get rid of at least some of my addictions. So I have quit ordering the Avotakka design magazine and Meidän Talo magazine. I don’t yet quite know how I’m going to fill up the emptiness that’ll leave into my life but I might survive.

Looking forward to your comments,