lots of work & fun

What a luxury to be at home for a few days. I’ve gone for runs, dentist, library, ice-skating with my daughter, Zumba, Pilates, seen friends, wrote comments for a MA thesis and have read some stuff. But not nearly enough! I have a huge pile of books that I need to read, articles and essays to write and performances to warm up and work on. I’m so fully booked until Christmas that I just hope I won’t catch a flue or anything. I’m very excited to travel to London to work with Rebecca French in the beginning of December. We’ll continue our collaboration which we started in June in Kuopio. And after that, I’ll be performing Twirling World with Sonja in Melkweg, in Amsterdam. They have a very exciting Finnish programme for a couple of days and I’m very happy and proud to be part of that.

More later!

Here’s a picture of my daughter ice-skating on Saturday in Leppävirta. She’s so gorgeous! Although the competition didn’t go very well for her –she was so nervous- she did much better than last time and I love her what ever she does!
