last few days…

I’ve been a bit up and down. My plans for this week changed completely because of an unexpected situation at work and I’m now behind my schedule in many ways. Well, I guess things were going too smoothly for a couple days – something just had to happen. Well, I won’t get into that more.
I went to Helsinki on Thursday for a meeting and also had a chance to visit Suvilahti where Esitystaiteen keskus has their new office and rehearsal space. I had a lovely talk with Annika Tudeer, Anna Krzystek and Timo Fredriksson from Oblivia. It was really great to see them and I miss them! Their new space is great and even the Kalasatama tube station welcomes you with posters of environmental art projects and the importance of arts for the area. How cool is that?

But I did get my new glasses today so I’m happy!

Glasses Kenzo. Dress Nanso Black Dress collection, model Can I call you dear?

Have to get some sleep now.
