Author Archives: Johanna

About Johanna

artist and curator

reading, writing, thinking, reflecting

Uuuh, I’ve been reading books and articles related to my studies all day. I have no idea how I’m going to pass all the exams, write articles and research plans related not only to my studies but also my work. Well, one thing at a time but I do feel a bit helpless at the moment. But I am excited like a little child about everything! It’s such a privilege to be able to study, develop my thinking and challenge myself and my thoughts. I love it.

And I’m so exited about my upcoming working period in London and a performance in Amsterdam! My weeks are extremely full but it’s so exciting to be giving talks, performing, writing, working on a new project and of course studying that I’m positive that I will somehow survive the upcoming intense months. We’ll see.

Today I finally managed to squeeze in a Zumba class at the Functional Studios and a bike ride there and back. Oh it was so good and soooo needed.

I’m so happy about my new sister Maija being part of my chosen family. At least one person to remember my birthday! Well, at this age birthdays are not very important events and it takes at least five minutes to calculate my age, but it’s still nice if someone remembers it. Well, my dad called me in the evening and I did get a card from my grandparents so I can’t complain. To treat myself, I bought a limited edition bottle of Codorníu Gran Plus Ultra and it’s amazing! If you can get hold of any, get as many bottles as you can – if you love cava as much as I do! What a treat. It’s a great wine.

Yesterday I went to town with my daughter and I had to go and try this I’m your queen dress on which a saw a couple of days ago. And when I put it on, there was no way I could leave it in the shop. It fitted just perfectly for me and I know I will wear it a lot. So since no-one else is treating me, I have to do it myself (sounds a bit perv but you know what I mean…)! Anyway, Nanso’s autumn collection is very nice so go and have a look at their collection. The best collection is of course in Helsinki in their shop on Mikonkatu but Kuopio’s Sokos has a surprisingly good selection at the moment. It’s about time…

I also saw two dance performances yesterday which made me really happy somehow. It was great to see my old time collaborator Jukka Ristolainen to perform and I’ve been enjoying getting to know Terhi Kuokkanen more as a performer, too. She is young, but gorgeous.

Hope you’ll have a great week!





work & study

Oh it was lovely to be in the ANTI office today with Laura! At the moment we are working on dozens of grant applications so we went through plans for 2012, the projects, the artists, the budgets, the questions, the issues… I’ve made a draft of the programme which is a really great starting point. But yes, so many things to find out, sort, schedule and to work on. And we need some MONEY! But it will be great.

I’ve tried my best to study Bourdieu’s Field of Cultural Production lately but somehow I’m not getting very far… Last night I slept only a couple of hours so trying to force myself to study in the library felt like a torture today… But I had a coffee with my collaborator Jukka Ristolainen and I’ll see his show tomorrow so that’s good. All is good!


response to the discussion about ANTI Festival in Savon Sanomat (in Finnish)

Kommentti Ari Savolaisen ja Pentti Tuovisen mielipidekirjoituksille

Kymmenettä kertaa Kuopiossa järjestetty ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival on herättänyt Savon Sanomissa vilkasta keskustelua taiteen merkityksestä, kokemisesta, osallistavuudesta ja rahoituksesta. Hyvä niin.

Taidetta saa ja pitää ihmetellä. On pelkästään positiivista, että festivaali onnistuu herättämään keskustelua ja ravistaa pohtimaan merkityksellisyyttään. Yhtä lailla iloitsemme niistä tuhansista positiivisista kohtaamisista, joita festivaali onnistui yli kymmentuhatpäiselle kokemastaan silminnähden innostuneille ja siitä nauttineille tarjoamaan.

Suomen perustuslaki takaa kansalaisille sivistyksellisiä oikeuksia, mm. kehittää itseään varattomuuden sitä estämättä (16 §). Vuoden 2011 hallitusohjelmassa todetaan, että ”taide ja kulttuuri ovat ihmisenä olemisen välttämättömiä perusasioita, joiden uutta luova vaikutus säteilee elämän kaikille alueille. Hallitus kehittää kulttuurisen moninaisuuden tunnistavaa kulttuuripolitiikkaa, jossa kulttuuri on kaikkien kansalaisten tavoitettavissa ja erityistoimilla parannetaan osallisuutta kulttuuriin nyt ulkopuolelle jäävissä ryhmissä”. ANTI-festivaalin keskeinen tavoite sen perustamisesta lähtien on ollut tarjota korkealaatuisia taideteoksia perinteisten taidetilojen ulkopuolella, lähellä arkea, ihmisen varallisuuteen tai sosiaaliseen asemaan katsomatta. Tämä mielestämme täydentää merkittävällä tavalla alueella toimivien kulttuuri- ja taidelaitosten sekä muiden tapahtumien tuottamaa tarjontaa.

Perinteisesti Suomessa merkittävä osa taiteen ja kulttuurin rahoituksesta tulee veikkausvoittovaroista. Taiteen ja kulttuurin osuus valtionbudjetissa on vuonna 2011 noin 426 miljoonaa euroa ja siitä 48 % rahoitetaan veikkausvoittovaroilla (OKM).

Vuoden 2011 ANTI-festivaalille erityisenä kohderyhmänä olivat lapset ja nuoret. Heille suunnatut teokset osallistivat lapsia ja nuoria itse tekemään, kokemaan ja ajattelemaan. Lapsia ja nuoria oli mukana myös satavuotiaassa rokkibändissä, jonka jäsenten ikähaitari vaihteli kuusi vuotiaasta 88-vuotiaaseen kuopiolaiseen Väinöön. Väinön lisäksi ikäihmiset pääsivät nauttimaan esimerkiksi festivaalin residenssitaiteilijan ja hänen ryhmänsä esityksestä Kuopion yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Vuonna 2010 residenssitaiteilijamme työskenteli Monikulttuurikeskus Kompassissa ja vuonna 2009 Valkeisen sairaalassa. ANTI-festivaalin ohjelmisto on suunniteltu niin, että teokset tulevat lähelle erilaisia ja eri-ikäisiä kohderyhmiä heidän työpaikoille, kouluihin, ajanviettopaikkoihin ja joskus myös koteihin.

Kenen kokemus taiteesta on oikea?

Jokaisella on oikeus subjektiiviseen kokemukseen taiteesta ja siksi onkin virheellistä väittää, että ne ulkomaiset vieraat jotka matkustavat festivaalille tai tuhannet kuopiolaiset, jotka tänäkin vuonna riemuiten ottivat teokset vastaan, olisivat jotenkin väärässä. Useissa kirjoituksissa esiin nostettu TRYST-kollektiivin Avustettuja kadunylityksiä –teos oli tämän vuoden festivaalin yksi suosituimmista. Myös Pohjantien koulun 4c-luokasta muodostunut tuomaristo palkitsi teoksen useissa kategorioissa ja valitsi sen koko festivaalin toiseksi parhaimmaksi.

ANTI-festivaalilla kolmannen kerran vieraillut amerikkalainen Ohio University in Athens -yliopiston taidehistorian professori Jennie Klein kirjoittaa tämän vuoden festivaalikokemuksestaan: ”ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival tarjoaa mielettömän mahdollisuuden kokoontua eri puolilta maailmaa Kuopioon, kaupunkiin, josta monet eivät tietäisi yhtään mitään ilman ANTI-festivaalia. Naurettavan pienellä budjetilla festivaalin järjestäjät onnistumaan kokoamaan joukon kansainvälisiä taiteilijoita, joista säännöllisesti kirjoitetaan nykytaiteen ja teorian ajankohtaisissa julkaisuissa, kirjoissa ja lehdissä. ANTI-festivaalissa erityistä on myös se, että noin puolet taiteilijoista on suomalaisia ja osa näistä paikallisia. Olen kirjoittanut useita artikkeleita ANTI-festivaalista, jolle lähetetään vuosittain satoja teosehdotuksia eri puolilta maailmaa. Festivaalilla on hyvin positiivinen vaikutus Kuopiolle ja sen yrityksille.”

ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival ry:n budjetista keskusteleminen ilman tarkempaa toiminnan ja työllisyyden arviointia, on harhaanjohtavaa. Taidealat ovat hyvin työvoimaintensiivisiä, ja ANTI-festivaalin saamalla julkisella ja yksityisellä tuella työllistetäänkin suuri joukko kulttuurialan tuotannollisia ja taiteellisia ammattilaisia. Festivaali työllistää tuottajia, taiteilijoita, teknistä henkilökuntaa, graafikoita, valo- ja videokuvaajia, ostaa erilaisia palveluita kuopiolaisilta yrityksiltä ja tarjoaa alan oppilaitoksille ja ammattilaisille työpajoja, luentoja ja konsultaatiota.

On epäkorrektia levittää valheellista tietoa festivaalin tapahtumista. Eva Weaverin pitkäkestoinen esitys ja sen lopputuloksena syntynyt installaatio Rönön sillan kaiteessa vuonna 2008 haluttiin yleisön pyynnöstä säilyttää esillä festivaalin jälkeenkin. Teokseen kohdistui kuitenkin ilkivaltaa, ja heti kun saimme yksityisen kansalaisen puhelinsoiton purkaantumaan lähteneestä teoksesta, lähdimme siltä istumalta purkamaan sitä. Purkamisen hoitivat kolme päivää festivaalin päättymisen jälkeen taiteellinen johtaja Johanna Tuukkanen, tuottaja Laura Lahti, tanssitaiteilija Antti Lahti ja valokuvaaja Pekka Mäkinen. Ketään kaupungin puistotyöntekijää ei purkamiseen osallistunut.

Johanna Tuukkanen
Taiteellinen johtaja – vastaava tuottaja
ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival

Liitteenä Eva Weaverin teoksen purkamisesta otettu valokuva 2.10.2008 ja kuva TRYST-kollektiivin esityksestä Avustettuja kadunylityksiä 28.9.2011 (kantajina kuopiolaiset tanssitaiteilijat Reetta Hyvärinen ja Matleena Kahilainen).

Kuvat @ Pekka Mäkinen.



a typical Sunday?

A bit confusing day. It started off very well, the weather was great – a really beautiful bright autumn day. I had a chance to read the newspaper sort of in peace, went for a longer walk with the dog and then for a short run. And I felt great! Because of ANTI, last week was just insane and I didn’t have a chance to exercise properly – I only cycled to work a few times but walked around the city a lot during the festival. Then on Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat and didn’t want to make it worse by exercising too much. On Thursday I had a small surgery and wasn’t allowed to exercise for a couple of days which is why I ended up taking Nerve Renew medication after reading its review online and just dint leave the house. Today it just felt great to be able to run although my pulse was rather high. Hope I don’t feel worse tomorrow.

For the rest of the day I guess I had a bit too ambitious goals of what I would get done. Had to comment an article, write a short piece, read, work on my schedules for the autumn etc etc. I did get a lot done but not enough. I felt especially bad for not getting to read as much as I wanted – I found it really hard to concentrate.

But I kind of made the ANTI 2012 programme and sent it off to Gregg to comment. Felt a bit manic really. I also made some notes about the meaning of ANTI as some people have written rather stupid and also totally incorrect things about the festival to the local daily newspaper. So we need to comment on and correct those. I also tracked down a date when one photo was taken related to the accusations in the writings.

So anyway, I feel a bit muddy. I’ve been also working on my upcoming performance and have had some exciting thoughts about how to structure and shape the work. So yes, there have been good things and moments but also I’m very aware that I need to do so much more. Oh well. Well well well.


Valkyrian in Kuopio!

Today I was wondering in the city centre of Kuopio as my daughter was in her ice-skating class (can you say that? Should it be lesson? Or maybe session? Anyway, you know what I mean!). The kids need new clothes & shoes for the winter so I thought I’d have a look if I can find shoes for my daughter. Well, I didn’t. But I did find a few nice pairs for myself (didn’t buy anything) and discovered that Nina in Kuopio sells now Valkyrian Design! This is great and quite a surprise. Kuopio is really not the most interesting place to shop and the selection in most of the stores is lousy. I know this one boutique in Helsinki that sells Valkyrian so I was very positively surprised to see a few items in Nina. They only had a few things but I told them how great it is that they doing it. Lotta Mönkäre, the designer, is young and very interesting. She also lives in the Eastern Finland in Joensuu which I also think is great. So all of you, go and have a look at her gorgeous gothic inspired collections!


post festival blues

The 10th ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival happened last week in Kuopio and it was just amazing. The atmosphere was great through out the festival, the artists were all wonderful and so professional and I felt so proud of what I and others have created together. So thank you! I want to thank all the artists, our producer Laura for her devotion, the volunteers and our wonderful audience that had gathered to Kuopio from around Finland, the States, UK, Australia, Indonesia, Iceland, Belgium, Sweden, Canada… It’s all worth the hard work, the sleepless nights, the stress, the tears, the sweat…
If you have something (positive) to say or comment about the ANTI Festival, please email to me or leave your comment on our website here.

I’m listening to the new album of Chisu, drinking cheap cava and eating tiramisu. The autumn has been very busy and I need to catch up with sleep. I’m excited about the upcoming performances, my studies in cultural policy, developing my work and planning the next edition of ANTI. I’m also aware that I need to see some new work, somehow, somewhere.

I had a small gum surgery a couple of days ago and I’ve been pretty ill. Unfortunately, I cannot do any proper training until I’m a bit better, so that’s a bit frustrating.

Looking forward to the weekend at home!



pics & clips

Here are a few pictures from last week. Unfortunately, not from the Visio show – not yet anyway. But here are two short clips of Antti Rissanen, a very talented bmx cyclist who performed in the show last night. My clips are not from the most amazing tricks he performed but you get the idea…

I think I’ve told that my daughter takes her ice-skating quite seriously. After the ice, they have a training session ‘on the ground’ where they practice the jumps and slides etc. without the skates. I followed a little bit of it… and she is pretty good. You’ll figure out who she is…
And once again, getting back to my love for design and architecture (I should have been an architect, remember!). In Kuopio’s Saaristokaupunki, where I also live, a lot of houses are constantly built. Most of them look so horrible, disgusting and boring that I don’t want to spend a minute writing about them. Well now, people who bought these very very expensive pieces of land directly by the lake in the island of Käränkä, have started to build their houses. Some of them look kind of interesting or at least decent, but this one… I mean, who spends hundreads of thousand of euros on the piece of land and then decides to build this????
No offence, but in the first place I would like to ask the city of Kuopio why on earth they give permission to build something like this on a such an amazing and visible spot? I mean… What’s going on? I do not understand the builders either but what can you do if you don’t have any sense of contemporary style or design or architecture? And what is the responsibility of Kannustalo, the company who’s made the house? The whole Saaristokaupunki is damaged by this company and their terribly old fashioned traditional houses which I just hate! In the worst case, you can see 5 exactly same houses from their catalogue on one street. I mean, it’s just disgusting! It’s exactly this kind of building that makes me vomit and I’m not sure how long I want to live in Saaristokaupunki if it’s this kind of environment that I have to look at every bloody day.


Kuopio, a lively city?

What an intensive week I had. Spent a day in Jyväskylä and another one in Helsinki. Had a lot of thoughts about cultural policy, arts funding and arts management. In Helsinki I saw a performance by a graduating MA student – a very highly educated dancer entering into this insecure, unstable, problematic and debated field and business. Maybe it’s because I’m evaluating her final work that I’m somehow very conscious of all these rather negative issues in our field. And I’m not sure what I think about it. Part of me of course wants to encourage her and everyone and a part of me is really sad because it will be hard. On the other hand, it might not be hard for her at all and what is hard for each person varies so much anyway…

I gave a talk about ANTI in a seminar on Wednesday and it was kind of inspiring to hear and learn about other festivals and events in the city of Kuopio. The city is finally making or renewing its marketing strategy and festivals and events are of course a big part of the brand and image of the city. And if Kuopio wants to be a lively city, I think ANTI is doing the best job in the cultural sector.

So I was in Helsinki on Friday and realized that I wasn’t at all interested in going to the Habitare fair. This is a bit strange as I’m usually very interested in design. I’m not even sure when it was that I last visited Habitare (maybe last year?) but it was a bit of a disappointment so this year I didn’t really even consider it. But my desires were fulfilled last night in the 20th anniversary birthday party of Visio which was an inspiring event combining style, fashion, design and gourmet. I was so happy to participate and very, very proud of Kari and Sari. The venue was great, the old VR-makasiini factory building, which could be this amazing venue for all kinds of events, parties and performances in Kuopio but is hardly ever used. I know they had a lot of problems to get all the necessary permissions to organize this event there but I’m so proud they did and I really hope more people would start doing the same. Kuopio needs something like that! And Kuopio wouldn’t be the same without Visio = Kari & Sari. Think about this: these two very inspirational people who didn’t have to do anything wanted to organize this event which included a fantastic hair/fashion show, very well designed and organized venue with music, lights, BMX performer, lots of sparkling wine and gourmet deserts. And they invited about 500 people to enjoy all this for free! All I can say is thank you. And I love you!
With Kari & Sari

And I got to wear my golden Finsk shoes! Lovely.

We took a lot of pictures from the show…hopefully I’ll get to post a few later.
