Category Archives: Travelling

working & photo shooting

Had a great photo shoot with Vaatu, Sami Henrik and Pekka today. I’ve now worked 5 days with Vaatu & Sami and maybe some things are finding their shape now. Los of questions though, lots of possibilities and directions. I’ll see where it takes me this time. I’ll post some photos as soon as I get some from Pekka.
I’m off to Outokumpu tomorrow, have to get up really early to catch a bus.
I should have gone to gym or functional training yesterday but had a meeting. And today the shoot took all day and after that I was pretty exhausted. I’m a bad trainee. I’ll see how I am tomorrow after I come back from Outokumpu.
I ordered two sport bras from Boobydoo and they arrived yesterday. Can’t waite to test the bras!


about what’s going on

Next week I’ll start working with Vaatu & Sami Henrik on my new work. Exciting! Lately I’ve been working on my archives, gathering & collecting texts and writings, digitalizing old vhs video tapes and forcing myself to look at the work I’ve done over the past 10 years. Huh! It’s a lot. The upcoming work requires quite specific physical strength and ability from my behalf and I’m collaborating with personal trainer Riikka Valve of the Functional Team in order to be physically able to do what I’ve set myself out to do. So Riikka has created a new exercise programme for me which includes functional training, running, walking and Pilates. I’m also super excited about the Polar RS200 heart rate monitor which doesn’t only measure the pulse and sport zones but also the distance I’ve run and the speed… Inspiring!
Last week the Saaristokatu opened in Kuopio. I’ve run a lot around the area as I live nearby and the opening of the Saaristokatu made me feel so happy and proud of where I live and Kuopio in general. It’s just really beautiful and also shortens the distance to the city centre substantially. Makes life so much easier.
What else? I’m going to give an artist talk in Outokumpu in couple of weeks and perform soft skin / harsh life in Joensuu as part of the Lonely in the Rain? –festival. After that I’m going to a Space for Live Art meeting in Madrid…
By the way, ANTI Festival is seeking to appoint a full time, permanent Senior Producer. So if you are a super producer or know one, please let them know about the post.

Hope you are well.


the latest column …in Finnish

Varokaa kosmetiikkaa!

Muutama viikko sitten istuin Kuopion lentokentällä lähes täydessä koneessa valmiina nousuun, kun koneeseen nousi lentokenttävirkailija, käveli paikalleni ja pyysi tulemaan mukaansa kertoen, että matkatavaroissani on jotain mitä ei saisi olla. Aavistin, mistä on kysymys, sillä olin menossa keikalle, ja matkatavaroistani toinen oli täynnä esitykseen kuuluvaa rekvisiittaa: tyhjiä kosmetiikkapurkkeja ja –pakkauksia. Siis pakkauksia, joissa oli ollut esimerkiksi kosteusvoidetta, kasvovettä, ja huulirasvaa. Nyt tämä laukku oli levällään lentokenttävirkailijoiden edessä, jotka sanoivat, että näitä vaarallisia aineita saa olla mukana korkeintaan 2 kiloa. Selitin, että purkit ovat tyhjiä, niissä ei ole mitään aineita, olen itse käyttänyt ne viimeiseen pisaraan asti, olen taiteilija ja purkit ovat teokseni rekvisiittaa. Ei auttanut. Virkailijat olivat puhelinyhteydessä koneen kapteeniin kysyen: ”Matkustajalla ruumaan menevissä matkatavaroissa vaarallisia aineita 8 kiloa ylimääräistä. Otetaanko kyytiin?” Kapteeni vastasi kieltävästi.
Katsotaanpa mitä Ilmailuhallinto sanoo nesteiden kuljettamisesta ja vaarallisista aineista: ”Ruumaan menevissä matkatavaroissa saa kuljettaa kosmeettisia aineita ja aerosoleja, jos ne ovat palamattomia, myrkyttömiä ja syövyttämättömiä -…-ja aineiden yhteismäärä on enintään 2 kg tai 2 litraa.” Siis aineiden yhteismäärä. Minun tyhjissä purkeissani ei varmasti ollut 2 kg aineita, vaikka jäämiä olisi alettu suurennuslasin kanssa tutkimaan. Entä vaaralliset aineet? Niitä ovat 1. räjähteet (kuten dynamiitti), 2. kaasut (kuten butaani), 3. palavat nesteet (kuten bensiini), 4. helposti syttyvät kiinteät ja itsestään syttyvät aineet (kuten valkoinen fosfori), 5. sytyttävästi vaikuttavat aineet ja orgaaniset peroksidit (kuten ammoniumnitraattilannoitteet), 6. myrkylliset ja tartuntavaaralliset aineet (kuten arsenikki), 7. radioaktiiviset aineet (kuten koboltti-60), 8. syövyttävät aineet (kuten akkuhapot) sekä 9. muut vaaralliset aineet ja esineet (kuten asbesti).
Täytyy sanoa, että en ole koskaan kuvitellut että tyhjät kosmetiikkapurkit voivat olla edellisten esimerkkien lailla vaarallisia.
No, sain keikan tehtyä. Kerroin yleisölle tämän tarinan ja käytin toisessa matkalaukussani sekä käsimatkatavaroissani mukana olleita täysiä kosmetiikkapurkkeja. Vai pitäisikö sanoa salakuljettamiani purkkeja, sillä niiden yhteismäärä oli yli 2 litraa.

Johanna Tuukkanen

Busy days

A quiet moment at home, alone. A rare occasion. Somehow I’ve managed through this week although I’ve been a bit overwhelmed by all the work I’m involved in. All is going well, but let’s just say it’s a lot. I’ve also had a bit of a flue and I think that’s why I haven’t felt completely ok.
I will hold an audition for my new piece on Thursday the 18th and I should write a press release about that. But for those who are interested, mark it in your calendar. By the way, in the new issue of Finnish dance magazine titled TANSSI-lehti was a great review of my latest works soft skin / harsh life & Festive work. The ladies of the Festive work also made it to the cover of the magazine! The photographer was Pekka Mäkinen, of course.
I’m going to see the premiere of Chicago musical in Kuopio city theatre tomorrow night. I’m kind of looking forward to it although I must say I’m not a big fan of musicals, in general. But you never know, I might be surprised! I have a new skirt that I’m going to wear with my Minna Parikka Morticia shoes. Maybe I’m looking forward to that more that the musical itself? Could be.
The ANTI Festival brochure is out so make sure you get one if you are planning to attend the best contemporary art festival in Finland. There are some works that need signing up so be prepared for that. The whole programme is also online
Next week I’m heading off to London for a few days which I’m really looking forward to. But more about that another time.

Have a restful weekend!



Embarrassingly infrequent blog posts sent on my behalf lately. Sorry.
I have been extremely busy preparing for my new piece, urgently sorting out ANTI Festival’s business as our 5-year long EU project ‘A Space for Live Art’ has finally been accepted by the European Commission and being on the move i.e. in Copenhagen, which was great by the way. I’ve also noticed that I’m really liking updating my Twitter at the moment, not so much the blog itself. Strange. I guess I should also confess that I have another blog in Finnish that I’m updating every day. Why is this? One thing I’ve realized is that I’m a bit careful what to write here because I write this under my own name. In the other blog, I haven’t revealed my identity and therefore can be a bit more honest about certain thoughts and things that are going on in my life. But this is not the main issue, I think. In the other blog, I have gotten a lot of blog friends and received many comments daily and that is kind of inspiring and just nice. Although this blog and site has quite a few visitors, there aren’t that many people commenting. Maybe comments and blog friends are addictive…
Last week a friend turned 30. What a nice party we had, and emotional! I cannot remember when I last cried in a party because people where really opening their hearts and being straightforward. But I also cried because I realized I’m very anxious, sad and worried. Maybe you Finnish artists know why… We also had a great party on Saturday; great food, wine and friends. Lovely.
Next week I’m off to London which I’m so much looking forward to. More about that later. First I have to get rid of this flue that is bothering me and the kids.

Hope to read your comments. Whatever they are!


Copenhagen & PSI

I’m off to Copenhagen tomorrow morning. I’m performing at the PSI # 14 conference on Friday and on Saturday we have a panel about the ANTI Festival. Hope to see you all there!
Lately things have just been crazy with work –my own and with ANTI Festival. Couple of days ago I was in town getting things I need for my performance and needed to buy a shimmering body lotion from the Body Shop. Well, this is not the season for their strong smelling shimmering body lotions and I was getting really worried in the shop as I need the lotion in the performance. Then the owner asked if I need the lotion for a performance (she must have recognized me) and I said YES! Then she went through the storage and found a tester of shimmering body lotion smelling of cinnamon -from the last season. Great! She gave it to me for free and I was so happy. Not just because I got for free but because she saved the show! So thank you so much, the lady in the Body Shop of Kuopio.
My trip to Copenhagen is supported by the city of Kuopio, so thank you Pekka Vähäkangas & Hanna-Mari Kokkonen for that.


At home

A lot of time spent home with family this summer. Somehow nice and relaxing, although at times hard for me. During the last year, I’ve been away travelling so much that now I actually have been able to enjoy being at home, not on my way anywhere. Of course it helps to know that some trips are approaching –Copenhagen in August and London in September… A chance to see friends and collegues, to feel connected to the field I’m working in.
I had the most terrible throat infection for almost two weeks, which really slowed me down. Then there was the funeral of my 32 year-old cousin. That was really really hard emotionally. Oh my god. Besides the work on the house, I’ve been concentrating on my exercise routine -jogging, gym and functional training. At the moment I really enjoy this period of preparing for my new work and working on my fitness, having time to think and prepare the work –although it feels there’s never enough time for this period.
ANTI Festival is approaching but this week I’m off from that business. Next week we are back full on and it’s time to get to serious business.
Today we painted one wall and hang some curtains. Painfully slow, but things are getting there. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so impatient, but only sometimes. Impatience can be a great force, an energy.
I cycled with the kids to a park today and went swimming with them. Felt like a proper person for a moment. I’ll try to enjoy these last days of summer holiday with them but to be honest, cannot wait to get back to work.


Report from Stavanger

Days in Stavanger have been a long but exciting. Annie Sprinkle’s and Beth Stephens’ work and them just being part of TW1 project (and Stavanger 2008) have caused a great controversy in Stavanger. There have been attacks against their work and especially Annie as she has been a porn star and a prostitute in her past -and of course us and TouScene as organisers of this project. So since yesterday we have been in interviews by newspapers, radio and television. And mostly all we have done, is talk about porn and prostitution –although Annie’s and Beth’s work is not about either of those things. Their work is about love and the seven year project they are involved in at the moment can be viewed on their website in more detail.
Anyway, Annie and Beth are just amazing artists and incredible women and feminists and I’m so proud that I have been able to curate them into the project.

Annie & Beth had posted this email out to their fellow artists to tell a little about their experiences:

“Fellow performance artists,

Today’s performance piece in Stavanger, Norway.
By the Love Art Laboratory.

1. Sensationalist press writes about prostitute/porn star (Annie) and her lesbian lover coming to “give away free sex in norway as art”!!!! ??? (SO not true)
2. Anti-porn feminists protest Sidewalk Sex Clinic with Beth and Tom Garretson (fellow artist from Oslo). And also protest the curators of art exhibit and harass the funders of art project we and other artists are doing. Saying art org supports prostitution and porn!!!! ???
3. A tall man (Neo nazi?) in ski mask walks up to our window and spray paints a Jewish star and writes JEW on the windows of the building we’re doing our performance in. (Annie is Jewish blood–Unitarian actually)
4. We, the friendly performance artists, then go stand among the crowd of anti-porn (“all porn stars are victims or perpetrators”) feminists while wearing our white lab coats and holding daisies. Confusing the anti-porn feminists and the media and amusing ourselves.

It was an interesting day.


Yesterday was the first day of the showing period so there were great tours by the artists, sculptures, installations, sound, performance etc. happening. I’m quite pleased how it all went and the works were very well attended by audiences and very covered in the media. Here are some images I’ve taken during the last couple of days.

The demonstration by Ottar yestrday: demonstration3_pos.jpg



Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic by LoveArtLab & Tom Garretson:


Annie & Atle, the owner of the Love Shop:


Geir, our producer and Per Arna, the general manager of Tou Scene:


Elaine Kordys floating in Badedammen:


Helge Olav:


Mariela Limerutti:



Mona & Torunn:


A tour on Nytorget:


Torunn by the sculpture of Nils Thomas & Rune:


Kristen Gustavson from Urban Sjöfront:


TW1 artists with Kirsten:




Trond from the Svop/t -team:


The Pedicab:


Tom & Beth & Annie:



More updates coming shortly.



was great. I absolutely loved it. Here are some images of the trip.




The Geysir area was quite magical. I have never seen a hot spring that shoots up the sky every couple of minutes. The images of this are quite ridiculous of course, it was quite amazing to experience this.











Thingvellir; Iceland is situated on the boarder of the tectonic plates of America and Europe which are slowly drifting apart. This was another absolutely magical site:










Blue Lagoon:






and a few more from Reykjavik:





I went to see this great performance called mammamamma in which my frend Thorey was acting. I loved the performance, not only because of the pink. It really made me cry.




It was an intense week, meeting a lot of artists and organizers, seeing work as much as I could. The only downfall of the trip was a 13 hour flight delay on the way home which caused maybe a little too much stress caused by lack of sleep and getting home almost 24 hours later than planned.


The latest column

Mitä on onnellisuus?

Katselin Euroviisuja Islannissa, jossa muutaman päivän ajan Reykjavik hoilasi ”This is my life…I don’t want to change a thing!”. Viisuviikonloppu osui samaan ajankohtaan kuin koulujen päättyminen ja ylioppilasjuhlat, joten Islannin finaalipaikka nukenkasvoisine diskolaulajineen sopi tunnelmaan hyvin. Euroviisufinaalin ajan koko Reykjavik oli autio, mutta sen jälkeen kadut täyttyivät ylioppilaaksi päässeistä nuorista ja muista koulunsa päättäneistä. Hetken aikaa muuten järkevästi tuulelta ja sateelta suojautuvat islantilaiset tepastelivat vaaleissa coctail-mekoissa ja korkokengissä baarista baariin. Nuorten This is my life –biletystä oli kadehdittava katsella. Mikä onni, helpotus, ilo sekä usko tulevaisuuteen heidän kasvoiltaan paistoi! Viikon Islannin matkalla pohdin, miksi islantilaiset ovat tilastollisesti maailman onnellisin kansa. Se on ymmärrettävää siitä näkökulmasta, että Islanti on rikas maa ja ihmiset keskimäärin hyvin toimeentulevia. Mutta islantilaiset tekevät töitä rutkasti enemmän kuin monissa muissa Euroopan maissa, esimerkiksi Suomessa. Tämä on ristiriita jota en ymmärrä. Selittyykö onni sitten hyvällä ruokavaliolla, paljon Omega 3 rasvahappoja sisältävällä kalalla ja lampaalla? Vai vähäisellä alkoholinkäytöllä (=kallista), säännöllisellä käymisellä geotermisissä uimaloissa joita Islannissa on paljon ja joiden ahkeria käyttäjiä he ovat, leudolla ilmastolla vai hämmästyttävillä luonnon ilmiöillä, joista he ovat hyvin ylpeitä? Tai kenties sittenkin puhtaalla vedellä ja ilmalla sekä pinta-alalla, jota Islannissa on noin 1 neliökilometri asukasta kohden?
Juttelin asiasta islantilaisten kanssa, jotka kertoivat rakastavansa maataan ja sen luontoa. Lisäksi he arvostavat läheisiä perhesuhteita ja kiinteää yhteyttä sukuun. Mutta he eivät halua paljastaa mahdollista asemansa heikentymistä, masennuslääkkeiden suurta kulutusta, elintason ylläpitämiseksi ottamiaan luottoja – vaikka nykyään Islanninkin on pakko myöntää kasvavat luokkaerot ja pankkikriisin aiheuttama uusköyhyys. Mikä siis selittää islantilaisten onnellisuuden, en osaa sanoa. Mutta toivotan kaikille ylioppilaille ja koulunsa päättäville onnea ja rauhaa pohtia oman onnensa palasia tulevaisuuden suunnitelmia tehdessään. Se on monimutkainen yhtälö.

Johanna Tuukkanen