ANTI – Contemporary Art Festival kept me very very busy but we finished the festival last week successfully. I had a great time, the works were very inspiring, touching, moving, disturbing, fun and everything the works of ANTI should be.
Now I’m moving my thoughts towards my new upcoming performance and although it still feels very distant and strange, I’m beginning to get excited. That’s good. So I’ve been sorting out rehearsal schedules and it looks like it’s somehow going to be possible to create. I think.
I’ve been so happy about my green coat. This is a coat I bought years ago in Stavanger in Norway from a fair trade shop. I somehow fell in love with the color although it was otherwise a bit strange. I thought it was kind of too long for me, the buttons were strange and there weren’t enough of them and it had weird velcro straps that were supposed to close it but it didn’t really work. I think I wore it a few times in Stavanger but I don’t remember having worn the coat ever in Finland because it was somehow…. strange…
Anyway, as I was complaining that I cannot afford to buy a new coat for the autumn (my old black one is seriously worn out), I suddenly remembered the green coat! I thought I could bring it to a dressmaker and get it somehow redone so that it could become my ‘new autumn coat’. So that’s what I did and I’ve been wearing it a lot. Warm, funky color – and it’s new without buying anything new!
Shoes Minna Parikka, stockings Wolford, scarf Marco Polo
I had a little break from training during the extremely busy ANTI days but I did participate in the ANTI 10K – Run Write Run! It was actually the first time I ran 10k after my knee surgery. My knee still feels a bit weird but it was ok. It didn’t hurt but I couldn’t run very hard either. I had a shorter run the other day and my knee was a bit achy and I felt the same yesterday in the functional training. So I have to be careful.
Now I’m off to town with my daughter on our bikes. It’s not winter yet.